
Reading your posts always bring me such joy. They also make me question what shred of innocence I have left in my moral being. I enjoyed your Sims drowning experience and this story a little too much.

Forgot to put the landing gear down while docking in Azaban.

I would love a non numbered Mass Effect rpg spinoff that allowed you to choose your species and gender.

Mass Effect is basicaly my "dream series". I think the execution could have been better for all of the games. 2nd game is the most balanced out of the 3. It had good responsive combat and enough content and exploration, not to mention that really awesome last mission.

ME2s story was a mess, apart from the companion missions.

I'd rather have both. The combat should be fast paced, but also include the skills and abilities, squad comamnds and such. But the exploration, side missions and such should be WAY WAY wider.

My hope is that they'll explain that they're sorry for dumbing the games down so much over the course of the original series, and that the next game will feel a bit more like an actual RPG, instead of just a kinda clunky shooter with a bunch of hokey, overwrought talking breaking up the pacing.

No it bothers me to know that there are people out there who are so dumb that they don't know when to put their foot in their own mouth and walk away. But keep on going buddy, here's a protip though: When you are losing an argument badly and you look like an asshole, you are not going to be able to snatch a win from

Yeah, the redesign of her was blatently offensive in so many ways.

Wow. Just wow. I've never seen a troll cite sources before. You are, like all trolls, a complete asshole; however, you are the most dedicated asshole I've ever witnessed. Congratulations?

So you're just generally being ignorant and hateful. Duly noted.

My theory is that they were waiting for the invention of dubstep so they could properly score it.

Better textures in ME1 is certainly a bonus. Here's my personal list, in no particular order:

Huh, I've got to say I'm still relatively puzzled as to what caused the resurgence in popularity of Parasyte. Just about 20 years is a bit of a long time.

Watch It If You Like: Big Bang Theory

My personal wishlist.

Or you could just stand by your convictions and not play them.

if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.

so am i getting my money back for the copy of the crew i preordered on steam?

$800 for a PC that will run this competently, $300 for decent standard peripherals (monitor, mouse and keyboard), $350 for a DK2 (or $150 for a TrackIR if you prefer to use your monitor), $150 for a decent HOTAS (Saitek X-52 Pro or CH Stick/Throttle both around this price-point)

So, $1400-1600 for all brand-new