Yeah, this is an especially stupid troll. Let him rant into the void.
Yeah, this is an especially stupid troll. Let him rant into the void.
And the casual way you Republicans are more than ok with a foreign government interfering in our election because your guy won is more than alarming. If it was Clinton Russia was helping you and your Republican friends would be reacting just a little differently.
NPR reported that the suspicion is that not only did Vlad know beforehand (was involved personally) but so was the Donald.
Her speech was fantastic. It’s really hard to hit the right notes between gracious, proud, self-deprecating and defiant, accepting and blaming. She hit them all just right without seeming to rehearse. She’s so young, too. I can’t imagine navigating that swamp and making it out intact and wiser for it as she has. And…
Show me one person who loves Mick Jagger for having a baby at his age. He’s a great-grandfather ffs!
All Evans wrote was “It was better than Madonna’s speech.” Not “Look at this ol’ bitch being old and alive—gross, girl.”
I’m right in the middle, here. I completely agree with you that Madonna is, in fact, still standing despite all her many critics, and all of her cohort apparently dying around her. She gets a lot of crap just for being a pop star who dares flaunt her sexuality while being over 50 (“put it away, Madge!”) while…
Madonna’s speech was increadibly tastelesd! Who the hell brings up the untimely and tragic deaths of their contemporaries like that? “They died, I didn’t! Points to me!”
The “Killary” that these people present doesn’t seem like the type to lose graciously, why aren’t all her enemies dying rn? Why hasn’t Bannon had a mysterious suicide?
Their conspiracy theory was proven fake by Donald Trump winning. But they can’t let it go because, life will no longer have any meaning without a shadow government to rail against.
The Hillary that these people believe exists would have had no problem rigging the election in her favor.
I wonder if, now that Hillary’s ostensibly out of the picture, any of these people will realize how fucked up Trump and Jones are. How long can the Clinton-hating go on for? How long can these people keep sharing videos about the Clintons stealing money and murdering opponents before it dawns on them that their…
But then this guy will be like “Wait no, I’m a hero, I’m a HERO!” And he’ll have a huge identity crisis because the only people he wanted to impress don’t actually believe this happened and he has become a joke and a pariah. So it will trigger an insane realization that he spent all those hours on Reddit and 4chan for…
False-flag operation, natch. Team Sane sends a crazy guy out to do a crazy thing claiming he’s working for Team Crazy, thus making Team Crazy look crazy to those who somehow weren’t clued in by all the crazy in Team Crazy’s brochure.
can you imagine what that’s like? Going online, making friends with all the other conspiracy nuts? Now all of his friends think he’s part of a false flag operation? That’s gotta hurt.
Trump supporters really have no clue how intense the buyer’s remorse will be three or four years from now. The last month will look like peanuts in comparison.
I don’t think people will care why they have a job. People often get jobs not because they’re the best but because of networking and knowing the right people. That gives white men an advantage in the TV and film industries. Minorities often don’t have networks of people that can use their influence to get them jobs.
I could be wrong but it seems TV used to be far more diverse in the 80's and 90's than it is now at a time when the country is far more ethnically diverse. Although I wonder how diverse those shows were behind the scenes. It’s like how in pop music you have a bunch of successful women out front but few behind the…
When adults feel the need to “take down” a 12 year old who posted a video on Facebook, they are adulting all wrong.
Nope. The case against Nate Parker was really strong as well but he still got away with it. And he’s now enjoying a movie career despite the terrible things he did to his victim. Turner is going to pay a much heavier price than Parker will. Men of all races are getting away with rape.