
Mari Kondo? Typo? A bit ironic that a blog that spends half of its time chastising others for not being woke enough about other cultures can’t even get the lady’s name right.

This article is aggressive for no good reason. 

I am a huge fan of 1) your article and this take, because it’s funny, and 2) all of the shit on the Marie Kondo website. Her brand doesn’t give me forced authentic vibes. It seems kinda genuine and cute. Yeah, I guess that’s the point of advertising and branding.

Jezebel snarking and misrepresenting a woman? How surprising. 

maybe if you were silly enough to misinterpret her method in a way that caused you to throw out things you want or need (and can’t think to buy a ladle anywhere else), this is just... fate you brought upon yourself.

That bunny is adorable AF.

If accurately summarizing her method instead of mischaracterizing it means I’ve drunk the Kool Aid, then sure. 🙄

exactly, where are people getting minimalism from? she never says to get rid of stuff unless that stuff is in the way of you being happy and productive. This is racist as hell, she literally tells people to cherish their beloved junk but we’re gonna talk over the little foreign lady and say she wants us to go full


there’s a bunny too!

Meeeeoow! I think that’s the only thing in her entire online store that would bring me any joy. The rest seems like seriously overpriced storage solutions, stuff I could find much cheaper elsewhere, or overpriced useless garbage (the rose quartz & tuning fork— like, wtf? The shiatsu stick- literally just a $12 whittled

This is a really, really cynical article that also misrepresents what Marie Kondo said. She didn’t tell people to get rid of everything, or even most things. She doesn’t want everyone to have a minimalist life with only a handful of possessions. She just wants people to be mindful or whether or they ACTUALLY want

I believe you have spelled her name wrong in the title of your article. It’s Marie Kondo, not Mari.

Well yes I do in fact need this, thank you Marie <3

Mari Kondo has built an empire convincing people that they could be happier if they just get rid of nearly everything in their homes by emotionally recognizing the value of the item, thanking it, and letting it go on to some other life.

Under the guidance of the KonMari method, I and thousands of others submitted to the belief that happiness and a sense of mental clarity can be attained by having less and keeping only the items that “spark joy.”

Marie Kondo , KonMari

The UpSideDown World is effed.

Ooh you are wicked, can I come with you?

thatz okay