The only appropriate response to this noise
The only appropriate response to this noise
No, it’s disgusting. There is no medical reason for a teenager who isn’t sexually active to have pelvic exams. He’s forcing his daughter to undress and expose her genitals for inspection to a stranger for no reason.
Lmfao. Yeah, I don't know what to think of that comment tbh.
I just looked up the words. I think it sounds pretty date rapey to my 2019 ear. “Say, what’s in this drink?” You might disagree, but I don’t think people are trying to misinterpret it to be annoying. Maybe there's a greater context I'm missing regarding the song.
People saying, “Hey, in context it makes sense.” are fine with me. It’s the people who defend it because they’re afraid MeToo has gone too far and that feminism is ruining all of their favorite things. Like, calm down. If having a dialogue about consent and whether or not lyrics might be old fashioned or inappropriate…
You accidentally sounded like a French person and you're from Tennessee???
I think it looks a lot better, but I never understood why so many adults were freaking out over this. It's a movie based on a video game that, as far as I remember, had no plot. It's not going to be a good movie even if he looks like Sonic should look. Thoughts???
I definitely don’t think people with depression should exit their children’s lives. Of course not! His mental health struggles may have contributed to him feeling he wasn’t prepared to be a parent a third time with a third partner though. I think that’s what they were getting at- not that kids are better off without…
It’s possible he had good relationships with the mothers of his sons, but not with the mother of his daughter. I don’t think impregnating someone accidentally or getting pregnant by someone else accidentally necessarily means it’s a good idea to co-parent together. In fact, I’d go so far as to say two people who hate…
For some reason I thought Jason Derulo was a folksy white dude.
Agreed. My significant other recently got a letter from a woman he dated 10 years ago and hasn’t seen in 10 years asking for child support. He’s asking for a paternity test because the age of the child and the timeline they dated doesn’t quite add up to the best of his recollection. He said he wants to sue for custody…
I really doubt he just doesn’t value girl children or anything like that. My dad didn’t really raise any of his 5 kids except the last and youngest with the 3rd baby’s mother. People have all kinds of reasons for doing what they do. Maybe trying to coparent with his daughter’s mother would have been unhealthy for him,…
I ended up googling it...he doesn’t like eggs plain, but will eat them cooked in things. That seems more reasonable. And he also will eat them on occasion according to the article I clicked- he ate them with Andrew Zimmern at a place that serves runny eggs on pizza. I like eggs, but THAT sounds so gross. Blech! I…
Team "Leave Guy Fieri Alone" lol!
Well thanks for ruining the charming “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts” episode with Jon Hamm lol
Interesting. I haven’t heard of that.
If he impregnated her accidentally and made it clear to her he had no interest in parenting and then she chose not to have an abortion, is he really the asshole? As long as he’s writing checks I don’t think so.
Lmfao I love this comment
Good. Fuck T.I.!
I heard about that from someone else too. He seems too kind for me to even roll my eyes at his cheeseballness.