
I think years ago he had a baby who was still born and the mother died in a car crash not long after. They were broken up if I recall cotrectly, but still. Like just a couple months after their baby. I'm glad he has someone.

I ship Wheelchair Jimmy and Kaylie.

I love all the well thought out responses people gave me, but I suppose it could just be a simple typo too lol!

I identify as straight now, but I have dated women. I don't find women sexing other women icky at all. Don't read things into my post that weren't there, please.

This is a very compassionate response.

Not being able to afford them doesn't stop the majority of people lol

This should really have more stars.

Because we all clicked and gave them ad revenue for a story about one of them lol

Is it weird that I think it’s weird when people say they’re in love with their kids? I’m not saying weird like anything inappropriate is going on but I think it’s a really weird way to phrase things.

ROFL this comment should be it’s own article

“McEntire, star of cult horror movie TREMORS”

I was just commenting above I wish someone had told me I looked stupid when I when through a fake tan phase.

You nosy ass rofl

This isn’t really related, but when I see old photos of me with a terrible spray tan I wonder why someone, ANYONE didn’t just tell me how terrible it was. An anonymous note saying “bitch you look like an oompa loompa” would have hurt my feelings, but would have also shamed me into stopping lol.

I was going to say, I think she's Latina...

This probably won’t be a popular opinion, but I think it’s in poor taste to out someone in death if they didn’t want to be out in life.

Great comment. I'm almost 30, but I said and did a lot of dumbass shit when I was 25. I hope when I'm 35 I feel even smarter and more grown than I do now lol!

I don’t have kids, but I have a drinking problem and this comment really made me rethink that pint I was about to go get at 10 am.

I'm so sorry she put you through that. No child should have to endure what you're describing.

I think your theory is true about a lot of famous folks who started a degree and dropped out. I remember some actress (I can’t remember who) saying she would definitely be a vetrinarian if she wasn’t acting. ROFL okay then!