
The Granite State's motto: Live Free Or Die.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend…

Jr's car wasn't in the driveway when Jesse pulled up, and it's pretty safe to say that he would have heard someone kicking the door in.

Yeah - Himself.

Regardless, I can't wait to see what happens next.
I think I'm on to something with the Lydia angle, though.
Since Walt wouldn't cook, and neither Declan nor Todd could match his quality, I'm surprised she didn't think to go to Jesse.

Jr.'s car wasn't in the driveway when Jesse pulled up, and I never said he burnt it down.
All that's required is enough of a fire to damage the place, and the firemen to douse everything in it with water.

They didn't show the whole house, and certainly not in any detail, but even a small fire could make it unlivable, especially once the firemen show up & hose everything down.

It's a dark show.

Thanks - It just came to me.

He would've had to memorize his new birth date, and he just realized in passing that it was that very morning, which reminded him of what Skyler would do for his real birthday, back when he was a real person.
Anyway, at least in my theory, he's not thinking about his age, but who he was, and what he's become.

Not that anyone asked, but here's my theory…
PREDICTION #1: The flash-forwards aren't a year later, as many people assume, but only a few months into the future, just long enough for Walt's hair to grow out.
We know Walt gave the waitress at the diner a fake ID when she confirmed his birthday for his free breakfast, and