
I am a parent, and while I can’t actually imagine such a horrific situation, I suspect that I would literally tear the assailants into meat-confetti with my bare hands.

Right. That’s why I think people’s “I was spanked and turned out fine,” is faulty. You don’t know how if will end up working out. I also think it normalizes behavior that very easily slides into abuse. I mean 2x4???? That’s pretty much a club.

That explains so much: Tiny Dick Finder.

I would pay all the money for this. I’m in a new city, and while I have good friends in the area, they’re about an hour away. I moved from where I had LOTS of friends and support to basically none in a place where it’s customary for me to get weird looks when I say hello to strangers, even if they’re the parents of

VagINA Finder

Does she even eat cat food? Because I sure did as a small child. I’d follow my cat around the house, pretending I was a cat too, and did whatever he did. If Fuzzy ate kibble, I ate kibble. I was method when it came to playing cat.

This just seems like the ultimate in white girl problems. Like you’re so normal, you have to find something to be different. Everyone else gets to be all black or disabled or gay or whatever and here she is, being all normal. Gotta make up something to prove that you have it tough too! Look how outsider she is! So

I don’t really mind it so much... except she is clearly lying because cats don’t wear makeup or get piercings. I know this because every time I have tried to do a smoky eye on my cats, they scratch me.

Aw, jeez, come on. I identify with sloths, but I’m not Rachel Dolezaling myself into a sloth, the way this chick is into a cat.

:( I feel you. That is such a terrible feeling. My hobby is skydiving, and that community is very male-dominant. Often in a bad way, with a lot of drinking and drug use, it makes guys feel very “brave” and they will ask to see you flash by the fire, a lot of public nudity, be very aggressive and not take no for an

but it’s adorable in a romcom...

Who hasn’t had this happen? You make it clear in the most magnanimous way possible that you’re not interested, and that’s when he thinks the “game” begins rather than ends. They think that no matter what you say, if they play the “game” right they deserve you. Then, when it dawns on them that you’re not actually

“Why can’t women just be direct and honest if they don’t want to go out with you?!”

Youu know, I don’t get why cunt is used as a slur so much. Cunts are great places, they feel great and make people happy. If you really wanted to insult someone, use something that everyone hates, like infected haemorrhoid or herpes.


How I Met The Temporary Detour Who Was Your Mother, May She Rest In Peace. (What was her name again?)

I have one kid, and I’m totally happy with that. I always knew I wanted to be a parent, not just because I wanted a kid but because I wanted that life experience (if that makes any sense). I feel that sense of bewilderment and sadness now when people I know are having their second or third kids, like why, WHYYY are

When my brother called to tell me that he and his wife were having my nephew, I literally paused while thinking what the correct response was supposed to be to that news. My initial reaction is never joy. I love my nephew in a way I don’t love my friends’ kids, and maybe that’s the biology part, but I still don’t get

I had two kids. Adults now. They are my favorite people BUT I totally agree with your assessment. I just did it without thinking and all I ever thought afterwards was WHY WOULD ANY SANE ADJUSTED HUMAN DO THIS? And again my daughters are delightful model adults now. BUT STILL. I tell them don’t don’t don’t unless you

Backup kidneys.