
I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.

Very appropriate sponsorship on Univision.

Just throwing another comment onto all those that have gone in depth into the California laws, but — yes, it varies by state. For a non-California example, I used to work in journalism in Nebraska, and there it was legal to record a conversation as long as just one party was aware and consented to it (which, handily,

It varies from state-to-state.

Depends on the state law and who is doing the recording. If it is the Police in a criminal case then no they cannot without warrant... and the way she leads him on possibly entrapment.

Well it's being submitted as evidence in a trial by her I'm guessing yes.

Depends on the state. In California, it's not legal to record a conversation without all parties consenting - but that's only for wiretapping and for submission in court. For one private citizen to do it to another? I think all bets are off.

I think that's only if you're trying to use the recording as evidence in court.

Well, but remember, for example, HP tried to fire Mark Hurd with no severance and rescinding all in-vested options, etc. It happens in business once in a while, depending on the Board and the crimes alleged or proven. But I take your point.

You do realize boycotts, while effective, aren't the only ways to effect social change, right? They shouldn't have to forgo working and getting paid. Chris Paul and Doc shouldn't have to be martyrs for the league to do the right thing. Black people shouldn't have to be punished when their bosses do something wrong or

Because he has tons of wealth to protect himself from having to make those kinds of reflections.

I would also like to know who are these other racist friends of Donald Sterling who call him the second his GF takes a selfie with a black guy?

I think a bunch of you really missed what he said about Latinos. He told her very specifically that she is a "delicate Latina"...He inferred that Blacks and Latinos are essentially culturally bound to be different from Whites. As if commanded by natural law. She happens to be both Black and Latino which really gets to

Saying someone is pathetic literally means that you feel bad for them.

Unless that bib belongs to a baby, I don't have a problem with it! Nor do I have a problem with babies toking weed! No...wait...scratch that last part!

This year, they put the chips on the back of your bib. I know that because I ran the race, legitimately :)

"As a runner..." You don't actually think that just because you are a runner you poccsess an ability to stand in judgement of this wrong do you? If so call me for an aappointment next time you don't feel so well...cause you know my father is a doctor.

someone found "lauren (spinelli)" on Google+, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Her profile pic is her actually crossing the finish line. I think she knows shes busted, because you cant message her, add her ad a friend, etc. Check it out.....

I'm struggling to find the outrage here. I really am. Isn't it most likely that they probably tried to pay and get in but weren't accepted? I assume there is a lottery for this. My outrage meter is about at a 1. And, I almost never, ever say this, but I think this post is not only over the top but kind of a dickish