
Wow, what a dick. You lose control of your bat, and whack the umpire square in the dome, see him clearly in pain and likely injured, see the catcher checking to see if he is OK and calling over help, and you just casually strole over to pick up the bat and walk away?

Yeah, it’s so easy to shit talk hinkie everyone forgets the Lakers and Knicks were laughed off the negotiating table with just about every FA they brought in last year. We are fine, people just love bashing Philly.

Eh, poker really doesn’t have the massive swings that sports betting does. A great poker player shouldn’t have any losing months, if he is playing in the right games. Every sports bettor has a ton of losing months on the other hand.

Sorry Patrick. You know nothing about owning a team or even getting yourself in a position to own one. Also, the warriors are the best NBA franchise right now and it’s not really close.

They provided the money. You did say “as if they had anything to do with it”.

Is this a shot at the Deadspin staff?

Also, his stupid fucking last name. Does it rhyme with “Jacob?” Joe Lake-ub? That’s fucking stupid. Or is it Joe Luck-OBE? Which is so fucking stupid I want to punch it in the neck?

I went to HS with the Beckermans. Kyle brother Todd is a state championship wrestler & coaches at Brown. Both kick ass dudes I wear my Beckerman jersey now in their honor. GO USA!

Hmmmm so this is Gawker media writing an article where the premise is they’re upset that two young black men aren’t getting their lives ruined by the system, and a white prosecutor who isn’t out for blood. Doesn’t this also go against your narrative that only white preppy jocks get off easy?

I do wonder, with the rate of deteriorating jokes here, how long before Deadspin just starts headlines with, “Bryce Harper really slapped a deep dick in the outfield!”

Idiotic. Only Deadspin would name one of the best GMs ever as “Worst GM.”

Dunno what it is, but I get the feeling it’s less about what he used his draft picks on and more about how he got those draft picks that have made him such a popular nominee. Or else Chip Kelly or Ray Farmer might be here.

FOX is actually doing a great job of showing as many golf shots as they can; that’s been a big criticism of other networks (CBS particularly) lately. And their graphics (protracer especially) have been outstanding. The talking heads are just simply that bad (Azinger excluded).

Total bullshit....

The ball definitely moved, right?

Or for any sport.

Here’s what will happen. If DJ wins by one stroke they’ll penalize him, if he’s tied after the round, they won’t. Guessing the USGA is hoping for an 18 hole playoff tomorrow. I hope I’m wrong because that would be sickening, but given what we’ve seen from other sports organizations, would this really be a surprise?

No, bleeding heart we’re talking about your super empathy.

What is unremarkable about Bias isn’t how he died, but how many people invested their hopes and dreams in a fucking kid who played basketball. They lost their goddamn minds over a kid who might have been an ok Celtic(depending on how his cocaine use developed.). We still don’t see the same responses over the kids who

i was working at a health club where the celtics had a corporate membership. was literally doing lines of coke in the bathroom before teaching an aerobics class when this story broke over the radio.