I'm Ron Burgundy?

There is a homeschool girl this year that definitely fits that picture.

I was actually gonna post in GT about what a bad ass she is before I saw this article.

The accent and "prince" bullshit is all I can muster.

I highly doubt Harry knows how to boil water, let alone take the time to learn to change a diaper or bottle feed a kid.

Not gonna lie, kind of expected more from you than that.

And let's be real, he's not even that attractive for fucks sake.

Didn't notice the Whalberg item, so both.

I am flabbergasted Jezebel still celebrates a racist prick and praises his "hotness".

He didn't make that up, it's kind of the theme of this years contest. The kids got t-shirts with it on the back.

Mind letting me in on what the hell the in joke here is? :( please?

Dear iPhone owners:

I'm gonna say 10 more years at most. If we pinpoint anyone around 27 as the key demographic that grew up at the birth of Facebook, and most people run for high public office in their mid 30s, seems about right on track.

Ugh, JR Smith? Rihanna, you can't even get a starter and have to settle for a 6th man? Tsk tsk.

Let's hope any and all party photos they may have taken in their youth are under tight lock and key, lest they all get Krystal Ball'd by the GOP.

It still was none of the publics business.

This seems above board.

Well, they are both african american and had substance abuse issues. So you must obviously fawn over their work with great zeal and talk about how the world has lost great artists.

He can't have a successful album that matters. His mother had a fashion empire. That negates anything he ever did!

Exactly. We can't mourn the life of what could have been, but our A1 space is filled when a coked out, heroin binging pop star who had one good record kicks the bucket. Because that makes sense.

It's more of a cardigan, if that's okay.