I'm Right

Where’s the poor treatment? Someone makes a note that the white boy already has something. THIS warrants someone being suspended from their job?

So, disrespect = racism. was he treated poorly!? LMAO.

Accurately calling someone white is not racism. Just stop already. called him Bo Bo.

I’m confused. Conservatives said that there is no racism anymore and that anyone who calls someone else a racist is the TRUE RACIST.

Nope, nope. That wasn’t racism. Someone accurately referring to a white boy as “that white boy over there” is not at all racism. This guy is nuts, and I’m continually amazed at how badly white people seem to want to be oppressed in some way. It’s a weird fantasy to have.

It... wasn’t even racist though? Like it was literally a descriptor, “that white boy” like “that dude in the red shirt.” I can’t understand where he feels he was wronged, the employee shouldn’t have referred to his race at all? What if he was the only white dude in the vicinity, it would have been the easiest way

I must be really dumb because I do not understand what did he suffer.

Racism is not the same as rudeness. Also, it’s much worse.

Explain how he was treated poorly.

No, he doesn’t deserve poor treatment. But honestly, was he treated badly? This seems mild to me, probably innocent in intention (“that blonde girl” or “that man in the hat”). Certainly not deserving of the fuss he’s making.

Where do you see anyone gleefully celebrating? Bo Bo experienced bad customer service, not racism. Everything else is just people laughing at him being the biggest weinee.

You cannot be serious with this comment, right?