
Me too. Caught me off guard when she opened the door. I just lost it. And don't forget Lost Boys: best vampire ever. The man had range. But Reds is my favorite Herrmann movie. Anouther Max, Max Eastman. Herrmann is so human and gentle even as a side character. Sigh.

I don't know. I have twice in my life allowed a friend to stay in my living room on my couch for over a year. Once it was because the friend was in a bad way emotionally and needed to recover and I was able to help on that. The second time, and now that I think about it there's actually three, was a friend, Who lost

I'm a lawyer. The problem with the way women were characterized on this show is that all of them we're either incompetent or unethical or just a bitch. The acting was fine but the writing was not. Partner of the law-firm=bitch looking to further her career through a media juicy case; Chandra=wildly incompetent and

But are you sure that's going to end badly? In the book she's standing beside Drogon when the riders find her. That's got to be impressive to them. She might end up with an army again which she arguably needs.

Martin was asked this specific question at Worldcon a few years back: what kind of orbit did this planet have. He looked at the guy for a beat or two, raised his hands and waggled them in a jazz-hands kind of way, then said "it's faaaaaantasy!" Awesome.

I'm lurking here late as well.

Yeah, that really cracked me up. I'm Catholic and in America. I jokingly refer to myself as a Papist when making fun of Evangelicals round here who think we're the Anti-Christ, but would never use the term seriously.

I just rewatched and agree. Yesterday I'd've said Flash was a waste. But he is better here and the episode overall is great. Though I think it owes a lot to Fry.

I thought a certain person might be reborn exactly the opposit, ummmm, colder…..oh dang this infernal oblique discussion! The Night King.