Imran Khan

This looks awesome, but who’s that homeless vet?

If that's the case, then I would accept that as a valid reason, but Gizmodo has been consistently opposed to anything that comes out of waterloo, canada over the last year, sometimes without any kind of reason.

I get that reviewing a blackberry is "beneath" you guys, but seriously you're going to look like idiots when this phone becomes a best seller. It's obvious that it's been well received by basically every tech blog out there.

Just curious, how many times are people going to claim that RIM is dead and then watch as that never comes to any tangible fruition?

Believe it or not, but RIM is the only smartphone manufacturer who's phones actually look different from everyone else. I know that might sound strange, but they already ARE different. HTC, Apple, Samsung, Motorolla, LG, etc all make pretty much the same phone. From a distance, all those phones look the same. A

Yeah but the screen looks great. It has a higher pixel density than the ipad 2 so video and pictures look awesome on it.

"Sure, it'll run BlackBerry OS 7 and might have a touchscreen!" Since when "might" it have a touchscreen? It definitely has a touchscreen. This is an example of the author just trying to marginalize the design of the product for no reason.

Congrats Kelly, you just wrote the most biased and factually inaccurate article about RIM on gizmodo to date. And that's say A LOT.

Yeah, no I agree, its not really substantiated by anything and probably won't last as an opinion.

yeah, that's why this is kind of a wacky ruling. I think its important to realize that islamic law is a living thing that can change based on the demands of the people and location its being implemented in. People think its just this list of rules. It's actually a system of law like other systems of law that have a

To be fair, in a nikkah contract (the islamic contract used before muslims get married) both parties are allowed to put whatever they want in it - including what happens in the event of divorce and who has the right to divorce. Essentially, its a prenuptial. I suppose you could pick on a lot of things about islamic

Robots are already raising our children for us. This is not a good. This is not good at all.

@FrankN.Stein: I thought the acting wasn't the problem in Batman Forever...they were actually really good...the problem was the overall vision, art direction and script. That being said, Kilmer and Carey were great in it.

@BobbyPeru: Tim Burton's Penguin was bad? are you kidding me?

I've never been so utterly thrilled by an episode of the The View before this.

@Ignited_Impulse: there's a lot of innner force usage that you can't see in terms of outward fighting. That's how I reason it.

Wasn't facebook already a student generated alternative to social networking?

@DaveExile: I can't think of a single console RTS game that has ever been fun or successful. I think that's the reason.