That’s where the chupacabra live too, I wonder how they will recover.
Hopefully they release this for Xbox as well like they did with the last game, love me some fancy pants!
Thank you internet people for correcting the errors of my ways! Haha, I give I GIVE! The arm killer tree is waay better!
Trimming, pruning, what have you, point is they don’t do the exact same function. Though an automatic tree cutter/logger on an arm is at least in the top 20 most bad ass things on the planet.
Yeah, but the one in the article doesn’t kill the tree, just trims it up to a certain point.
Wow, he even out bulletproof plastic on the outside cameras and installed air nozzles on them to blow away debris. Sad his talents went to waste on this.
You loved him as a bat fetish hero, now you’ll love him as a beloved windmill attacking nut job..... Christian Bale is.... Don Quixote!!!
Getting a very Leo vibe from this review.... Never a bad thing.. in fact it’s quite good.
They cannot vote, just like every other territory. I think some of them still require passports to the US.
“But a solid concrete wall!”
Something to do with shfity five I think....
Really?!? Futurama? Just the good seasons..... Ugh!
Ok thanks, you calmed me down a bit. I was about to go knock over the water cooler or at least spill some coffee in the break room.
Welp there goes my hope of an official Borderlands 3 reveal...
I like you, and I agree wholeheartedly!
I’m waiting on a Loom remaster.... Though I’m not sure why. I was really little and don’t remember much, but the magic and wonder drew me in. I don’t even remember much about it but the guy hated “grass green”.
Got one this year, I’m loving the thing so far!