Awesome, thanks!
Awesome, thanks!
Oh yeah, there is no way this game isn’t Saints Row related....
Still sad that the sequel is not coming to Xbox. Can’t afford another system atm.
A thousand times this!!!! Only game I have bought on Xbox and on my phone.... so much fun!
Totally agree, remember Ultima Online 2? It had a pretty big fanbase and that got canned.
This is the only correct response to this post.
Me and wife love playing Borderlands split-screen, is this one we should try or wait for BL3? Was sad that Halo 5 isn’t split-screen.
Where is that place in hell? So I know to never go there!
Says the same for me too, even though I’m running Android 5.1
Eons ago my name in FF 11 online was “Imrahil” from the Lord od the Rings and I met another player called “Imarhil”.
Would love it if BL3 has a guncrafting system
I was wondering when we were going to get another White scruffy looking male protagonist. We don’t see them enough!
“Die in a fire, dickbag”
Is this confirmed for exclusive for PS4 or just a timed exclusive? The first one was on the 360 and my wallet and wife are going to kill me if I have to buy an Xbox One AND a Ps4.... well at least it will be awhile until this comes out...
There isn’t a number associated to this one, so is this like Brotherhood, just a spin off from the main series? I’ve only played Black Flag, so jumping in from there is a bit confusing. The events that took place outside of the Animus has me curious of what happens next.
Yeah this feels like a slap in the face for long time Halo fans... I’m probably going to skip out on this one unless they backtrack... like as is their wont lately.
Can I give you negative stars? The wheel is severely outdated, but we seem to keep that around.
More importantly... I’m still waiting on the sequel!!!!