
I happen to know a few American-Syrians who live in the U.S. now but are from Syria. They are very pro-Assad because they see the rebels as violent, ruthless terrorists who are murdering many innocent people. They justify the attacks on civilians by saying that Assad is targeting the rebels, and even though the rebels

No on this thread is apologizing for what the U.S. has alleged Assad is doing. NO ONE. If you think pointing out U.S. war crimes = apologizing for Assad's war crimes, than I don't know what to tell you.

Ahahahahahahahahahaha you think Iraq was an intervention. Dumb.

1. You're attacking the analogy and not the logic behind it. So it's worse to kill your own people than it is to kill people from other countries? That smacks of nationalism.

So when it is my country I should think critically but when it isn't I get to condemn and demand intervention, right?

Why attack her? She is not Assad. She is just married to her. Did we attack Laura when her husband lied to the American people?

"As the wife of a possible international war criminal"... she should ask Laura Bush for advice.