
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever but one piece of sheet metal have amazing strength when bent the right way.

Dell just released a dual monitor stand

Imagine the conversation: "So you think you're rich huh? I got five pepper corns! What the hell do you got?" "An ounce of fresh paprika!"

black pepper corn is a viable alternative also, and salt.

That's not a game console! Thats a battleship!

Look at them hips on metroplex, i think he has a secret life!

Imagine a nintendo 64 emulator with pokemon stadium on the ouya =D

I'm gonna take a positive stand on this. Imagine that sea levels rose to ~3 meters not counting tide. Plumbing will be way easier and VW will change name to dVB des Volkes Boot and will start selling TÜV approved kayaks with an economic three cylinder engine going 16 nautical miles per liter. Hydroponics are gonna get

how come its necessary to restart a router?

Her enemy would love her to dress like that in the battlefield.


100% sure that this fucker's gonna be watercooled over at bit-tech :D

how difficult would it be for ms to make an "xbox layer" for the pc? Think wine but for the xbox.

dude do a poll next time :)

That actually sounds reasonable. The heterosexual community is quite vast but not new to us so people take it for granted. You can't see the forest for all the trees.

Dude i live in Denmark and still wanna vote for sweden.

Not to be an ass but if you keep your fingers away from the cutting path, am firmly planted to the ground and don't look away while cutting, you aren't gonna hurt yourself, but then again.

Lovely people that comment on this.

if you don't care about the look of your phone, put the hard side of velcro on the back. Most seats in public transport uses fabric that is almost perfect to this purpose.

To this day i still beat my friends in homeworld 2 with a bright yellow hiigaran mothership with DEWALT written on the sides.