If "Better Than The Alternative" is to be their banner, I shall hoist that banner high and march proudly beneath it.
If "Better Than The Alternative" is to be their banner, I shall hoist that banner high and march proudly beneath it.
What are you, some kind of degenerate? Please, call them escorts, or nothing at all.*
…I swear I can't understand a word you're saying.
I say again: who says there exists a "decent" Trump? Why is there this assumption that there must be someone in the White House who's actually likable? Aren't they all tainted by association at this point?
I read that they went all-in on Trump for reasons that were purely mercenary. The publisher gave a statement that was basically "you're aware of who our readers are, right? Think about it."
I'm pretty sure this didn't happen.
Set-up to a 70's porno or a 70's slasher movie? You decide!
The plaque commemorating Woodstock '94 was completely destroyed during Woodstock '99.
My parents basically slept through the sixties. They bought a copy of Sgt. Pepper and watched Laugh-In and that's about it.
Donovan is pretty mad about the whole thing.
c. Yet Sasquatch roams free as well.
Can I avoid buying these without being labeled homepodic?
A hero ain't nothing but a sandwich.
I didn't say he deserves the worst punishment. I said I don't care. The only thing I care about is the implication that I should care…which I guess no one was arguing, but still.
Well, there it is. Nihilistic misanthropes are dominating our cultural landscape by forcing a reasonable, well-meaning majority into extreme positions on either side and then laughing at us as we tear ourselves apart.
This is the danger of attaching yourself to partisan media personalities, the way conservatives have done via Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Imus etc. When they screw up, their followers feel inclined to feel defend the indefensible, as if their entire ideology rests on the personal integrity of some TV talking head.
Where do you live? Guysville, Dudebro County, Mantana?
Good thing he's not the President or there'd suddenly be a whole cottage industry celebrating/mocking "mov."
Shedding clay tears of stop-motion sadness.