

Like many people, my introduction to the Hitchhiker series was through the novels. Everything else came a bit later, and of course there was the usual feelings of "this wasn't like it was in the book; that's wasn't how this character sounded/looked in my mind's eye…"

Every single story on the AV Club today has bummed me out for one reason or another.

He's sick of the Swiss.

So according to your Marvel-loving critics, we're supposed to believe that this movie is slightly better than Wonder Wom

What about if he had just clicked "Wow" emoji?

Hey! Mr. Monkey don't be askin' why
Don't you know you can't mess—
With American pride.
(ugly wink)

When asked for comment, Poland responded "Wait, what's everyone looking at us f—oh, ha ha. Very funny."

You're arguing with the wrong person. I can't even remember which is which.

All you're proving is that people who are incredibly biased tend to think everyone else is just as biased as they are.

Sure. Until someone invents a way of rationally measuring a movie's quality, opinions are all any of us have.

No, it's pretty good, and the movie was pretty good.

I've heard Neo-Nazis say they believe the Jews faked the Holocaust before going back to making slurs about ovens and camps.

According to one Facebook newsfeed I read, a black person probably did this to make white people look racist, but who cares because black people use the word in their music all the time, and anyway LeBron is a "snowflake" for responding to it and he should just suck it up and move on.

Thomas R—you're absolutely right. No sarcasm.

I find the fictional version of Len Wiseman so much more compelling than this.

Ah yes, our post-apocalyptic pre-internet future.

I'll be goddamned if imaginary talking teddy bears from the British Isles qualify as a race nowadays.

Ask Dr. Strangelove. He's the expert on these things.

By the way, you'd think that Trump backing out of an environmental treaty that every country on Earth but Syria and Nicaragua has signed off on would be the bigger story than this whole cavfefe.