
The $9 only requires your PSN handle and the serial number from the PS3. If you want the $55 you would need the proof you installed one of the system (photo of the OS working, proof of purchase for the OS, or contact from Sony CS regarding your issues with them removing the OS and how you used to use it).

At most workplaces I have been people tend to lunch with other people on their same level ie. managers, directors all tend to have lunch together and rarely ever ate with people they were over.

Are you not a CS:GO player? In CS:GO, weapons can shoot wildly from where you’re aiming, so you have to control your movement very precisely to get a shot to go where you want to. The AWP rifle used in this play is highly precise when standing still and scoped in. It’s quite imprecise, however when moving, or when not

I mean, if the roads are empty.... yeah seems like a good time for hooning. Certainly better than standing under power lines and talking about how dangerous it is, and how dangerous it is to be outside while you’re outside. You’re the reason we (mostly) have actual professionals doing the critical thinking. Go back to

You are why we’ve turned into a bunch of pansies...

There are a season 2 coming, so don’t worry you get’ll get more content for the game.

Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

You know how you can tell a level is designed fairly well? When there are tons of below-4 minute runs on the internet and each are vastly different from each other. I like this level too. In terms of content, I heard somewhere that a second season of levels is in the works. I would imagine with a new story arc after

 By far my favorite episode of the bunch. The first where I didn’t feel the need to check the maps or opportunities and just played naturally with what came.

Cant wait to play this game. Think Ill wait til the whole bundle comes out. So I guess I can wait.


Now who’s projecting?

Funny. No answer to why a person who willingly violates another’s basic human rights should be afforded a compassionate response?

Why not? They violated someone else’s basic human rights. You know, like being allowed to live.

Didn’t Nintendo have some old vomit inducing VR back in the day? I think it was called the virtual boy and was universally panned for how bad it was.

Well take a look at my other post. If you have anxiety like that, yes, it could definitely be from stopping a drug that affects your brain chemicals. But just the same it could help to meditate and unflex your brain from the way it is used to being flexed normally, because from doing it the same way most of your life

That’s where meditation comes in for me though... The brain has its own form of muscle memory. Through your life you form patterns of thinking, based on associations, which build automatic reactions to certain stimuli. Through your life you build the way your brain works, and so it gets flexed a certain way throughout

I would search around the level a bit more. There are tons of ambient conversations, and weird secrets. They’re a little harder to find than previous stages (the stages just keep getting bigger), but there is some fun stuff to do. I really liked turning on the intercom in the school next to two guards badmouthing