Screw him for making the first good Star Wars movie since the 80s, right?
Screw him for making the first good Star Wars movie since the 80s, right?
But why though.
How does Mark Hammill get paid for 0 lines of dialogue? I kept waiting the whole movie for Luke to show up. I know this is a new story about new characters, but when you know he’s in the movie you expect him to be IN THE MOVIE.
They played it safe, and I don’t blame Disney for doing that. Much better than taking big risks on the plot, because if this movie crashed then that would have been it for the franchise. They can branch out more in the next movies, and not play it so close to the chest.
I just hope we are done with blowing up moon/planet-sized space stations at this point. Come up with some kickass new Star Destroyer or something.
This is spot on. People act like the originals(or at least ANH and Empire) are perfect but they had their own faults. Leia kissing Luke on Hoth never feels right to watch, the cave scene on Dagobah is weird, various bits of dialogue are quite cheesy. Then there are the prequels, which don’t even require their faults…
Totally agree they captured the feel of the original trilogy perfectly
If it had been too perfect it almost wouldn’t have felt like Star Wars. Is that weird? It did hearken back to the OT just a little bit too much, especially with the overall plot. That’s why losing Han - one of my favorite fictional characters EVER - actually feels right. We got some fantastic time with him in this…
I don’t know. The first 2 Acts were different enough but I have to agree that the entire final Act was Death Star attack from ANH, mixed with Hoth from ESB, and Endor-Forest from ROTJ.
Exactly, it wasn’t perfect. It didn’t have to be. None of the other ones were. But it made me feel like a kid again. It made Star Wars feel like a real place I could travel to. It made my mind explode with random possibilities. It was everything episode IV was for a new generation. I can’t wait to see where it goes…
Feel 100% the same way. It’s leaps and bounds more ‘Star Wars’ than any of the prequels. But the one thing that sets it apart from the prequels? It’s fun! If a movie is fun I can forgive quite a bit.
I feel like I’ll be writing about TFA specifics for the next week at least, but I will say this: The Force Awakens isn’t perfect. There’s some weird plot stuff and a few problems for sure.