It makes AWESOME fried macaroni and cheese balls. Starch:Strand ratio is hella decent, so I fired up Kenji’s 3 ingredient recipe, cooled, scooped, breaded, froze, fried.
It’s more dense than an elbow macaroni ball, but in a very good way.
It makes AWESOME fried macaroni and cheese balls. Starch:Strand ratio is hella decent, so I fired up Kenji’s 3 ingredient recipe, cooled, scooped, breaded, froze, fried.
It’s more dense than an elbow macaroni ball, but in a very good way.
I had a couple of pads of checks that were left over from a long closed account that I gave my daughter and she wrote checks (some in crayon) like she was a CFO. (I gave her the register and told her to record them and to balance her account and she totally lost interest.) Also some left over sheets of laser printable …
My father was a scientist and brought home test tubes, beakers, cylinders, flasks, and the like. Even a huge old glass syringe, a clear barrel with a blue glass plunger (no needle, which was probably a good thing). He also used to bring home catalogs of laboratory supplies—some of these were hard-bound and 2-3" thick,…
ugh, now I want hummus in piping bags.
Wait wait wait.
Eater reports the Burger King at 736 Broadway in Brooklyn has for weeks been filling Seamless delivery orders for Impossible Whoppers with regular Whoppers, asking the Seamless driver to inform the customer of the switch. But according to customers who spoke to Eater, drivers had not informed them of the substitution,…
Cool, people like me with soy allergies would get sick and have no idea why. Changing a person's order without asking or informing them is stupid and dangerous.
No I do not make hash brown patties myself when I can buy 16 of them for 2 bucks
I just told you that they are toast now
I use Google Sheets.
The glass bottles of beer comment made me laugh. I snuck a 40 oz into the movies years ago and I’ll never forget the sound it made when I accidentally knocked it over and it rolled all the way to the front of the theater. I have no idea how it rolled so perfectly as to miss all the folks feet in front of me. I…
My girlfriend and I snuck in a bottle of something awful like butterscotch schnapps to the new Robin Williams comedy we knew nothing about but were sure would be hilarious, and had drunk a fair amount of it by the time the previews ended.
It’s a valid critique though...99% of people have to live somewhere that is a) where their family is b) where the jobs are. The ven diagram of a) has lots of jobs b) is near the people I know/love c) has arts/culture/restaurants d) is cheap tends not to be wonderful. I’m glad it works for the author, I really am, but…
Agreed! The best way to clear the tasks out of your head, too.
I do the same thing when coding. Write down procedures that I need or want to finish. Crossing them off always feels great. Though, I do have a couple of features I want to add that have been on my list for a month.
I have mixed avocado into the yolk portion of a deviled egg. it was fine. but I think my main issue with the avocado swap is that it just tastes like avocado, which is good if you really like avocado.
Apparently. Back when I was a competitive athlete, my trainer was horrified that I was going to competitions without eating breakfast. I had no appetite due to 1) early mornings and 2) nerves. A compromise was me choking down a hard-boiled egg and small cup of orange juice.
They sell “half boiled” eggs at many restaurants here in Japan. They’re the still-runny yolk of the egg in a thin layer of white. You split it with your chopsticks and the yolk runs out and covers your meal in yolky-goodness. They’re AWESOME.
How about my Benedict pizza? Homemade pizza dough, Hollandaise, shaved Proscuitto, mozza. Bake for a bit. Crack several eggs onto it and finish until eggs are set the way you like, which is soft. Soft is correct. Never hard.