It’s not about harm or safety, it’s about my right as a customer to request a service that is offered as part of the entire package. Whether I take advantage of alcohol or not is up to me so long as I meet the legal requirements for requesting it
It’s not about harm or safety, it’s about my right as a customer to request a service that is offered as part of the entire package. Whether I take advantage of alcohol or not is up to me so long as I meet the legal requirements for requesting it
“Yes/No: That’s... kinda weird?”
Two years ago, Stanley converted to Islam
It’s a part of a flight attendant’s job and if I’m on a flight that serves alcohol but I can’t get it because my flight attendant happens to be a fundie who thinks she should be entitled to impose her beliefs on others, that’s a problem. It doesn’t matter whether or not it affects your health. And it makes everyone’s…
I’m not ok with it. If I’m on a plane and have to wait half an hour for the non-fundie FA on the other end of the plane to serve me my drink because the one serving me can’t give me booze because of her beliefs, that’s affecting me and affecting the quality of the service. So no, I’m not ok with this lady. If you’re…
Oh, absolutely, on both fronts. But a huge caveat about things that are illegal but ethical doesn’t make my post all nice and neat, and we can’t be having that.
“Yes/No: That’s... kinda weird? But don’t do it, unless you don’t mind the consequences!”
Not that weird - there are certainly organizations that offer services that are illegal in their local jurisdiction that I don’t consider unethical at all (abortion, assisted suicide, selling pot).
I’d also advise doing what you…
In one sense, I agree that the situations aren’t comparable. Davis refuses to act as the state performing a function of the state, when in reality the state itself does not have a freedom to religion. She has that job, she needs to do that job, full stop, or remove herself from the position of being a representative…
1. Is the thing you are required to do for work illegal?
2. Is the thing you are required to do for work unethical?
Yes/Yes: Don’t do that thing!
No/No: Do that thing!
Yes/No: That’s... kinda weird? But don’t do it, unless you don’t mind the consequences!
No/Yes: Ethics are subjective, and hypothetically the law represents…