an actual dog

They came into our area, bought a few local papers that all had their own presses, closed said presses, built a new press facility they owned, sold off the local papers, then raised the printing rates at the press they built.

After my junior year of college I dropped out for a year and worked as a copy editor at my hometown newspaper. We were a bit bigger than the paper above (we had 2 copy editors, a couple reporters, a sports editor, and an editor-in-chief). Our Sports Editor made $13 an hour after having been with the company for

The DNC and their corporate “donors” screwed the nation by insuring that HRC was the alternative to Drumpf.

LOL, still blaming your failed candidate on Bernie supporters. As delusional as Trump himself.

Yes. It was all the Bros out in suburban Milwaukee that didn’t vote for Hillary that screwed the nation. You fucking moron.

Fuck every. single. one. of you centrist democrats who used the term “alt-left” against us. Congratulations on your new job as Trump’s press secretary.

I’d actually like to thank Trump for exposing me to another dog-whistle. Now I know to avoid any white people described as ‘pretty nice folks’.

This comment is the equivalent of reading a well-researched takedown piece of NCAA injustices and saying “ok ok but Coach Cal still one of the good guys, amirite guys?!”

“I disagree completely, and I will fix what’s been wrong in the world all this time, so bend the knee or die!” - Daenerys Stormborn

Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans, I’d say the ones who are “protectin muh herituge” might be in the wrong crowd.

The alt-right protestors were protesting the removal of a statue of a segregationist and, many would say, traitor. Does that automatically make all of them racists? Maybe not all of them, but it’s a rather questionable cause they’re supporting.

Mr. “Should be head of the DNC” telling it like it is. If Perez stops chasing Trump voter waterfalls and steps aside in favor of Ellison, I might start donating to the dems again.

All well and good, but what are my odds on the bag???
