
I watch a lot of small time streamers where the chat is basically like a small group of friends who meet up and talk about different stuff everyday. Twitch chat is awesome when it isn’t packed full of thousands of viewers.

or 1 millisecond!!

because it might look better than the a3 to some people

because they're kids.

I'm really excited because this game looks really good and don't forget that next year is treyarch's turn. And they always deliver.

somebody needs to make this into a movie

i've got the same exact problem. it just simply won't let me sign in.

it's a video game

Think about all the really popular youtubers like BFvsGF and CTFxC.

i have yet to see a black person in a jaguar. audi's and infinities, but not jaguars.

I've had my 360 since 2006 and gta v works fine.

Maybe it'll come out Nov 1st

I'm sorry but 2 hours just isn't enough

It's the lack of parenting. It's the lack of adult supervision. It's the lack of an adult with the common sense to know that laying guns around the house in arms reach of little kids is a big NO NO. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of kids in the early 2000s who have put hours and hours into playing Vice City and SA

"The words “fuck,” “cunt,” and “nigger” can be heard in the dialogue."

I was looking forward to this game & honestly, i still am. But i'm not paying for this AND xbox live

*complains like a little bitch about someone complaining about someone complaining like a little bitch*

only 16 playaz doe

You can't just ignore a problem in hopes that it'll just go away. I'm pretty sure there are thousands of players online who get verbally harassed and threatened daily. It's good that we have people like this woman who when a problem arrises, does everything in her power to fix it.

Stop complaining like a little bitch