Implied Kappa

What a depressing planet.

Dog With a Blog. She could’ve been as star.

“There is a lack of leadership at the top” says the leader of one of the leading national anti-abortion groups.

This dude looks like an old bud light can full of dip spit and cigarette butts.

“Bawitdabaw, Oprah! I say unto you...BAWITDABAW!!!”

American politics is the stupidest shit, I swear to God.

Next up, “Newly discovered ‘Konami Code’ gives you 30 lives in Contra and Life Force.”

To all the greys insisting that her *other* career is how she should be identified:

True censorship will happen under his watch. He will censor anyone engaging in boycotting or criticism of him and his ilk. And then give free regin to let people use racial, misogynistic, homophobic, etc. slurs.

“This one’s for the fans willing to spend $100 to wear a meme on their feet”

People are laughing at the parents for falling for Ye’s grift, but these kids have it so rough. How do you cope with school entirely ending with less than a day’s notice?

I call that a crappy manipulation tactic that should get a salesperson punched in the face.

Maybe show some actual evidence that your lives were ever in danger, because there are plenty on real Americans whose lives are truly in danger because of you.

Yeahno, I hope you squeeze ketchup water out of the bottle every time you go for the condiment, you twat. 

What’s interesting is how the debate has shifted in the minds of the Terf mob, so the issue is no longer about “trans rights” but about “JK Rowling and her hurt feelings.” The other week, Graham Norton pointed out that if you want to discuss trans rights, you should talk to trans people instead of random hetero

It’s just the old shuck and jive. Republicans don’t have a platform do they just scream about crime. Americans trust the GOP on crime because they know, if elected, Republicans will commit a lot of crimes

Have you considered decaf?

In short, it’s safe to surmise that Fox is looking for some answers. And really, where better than a book that purports to help with “attuning one’s spirit to the moon?”

It’s funny because I hope he fucking dies.

Counterpoint: No, I am not.