Implied Kappa

Yep. A lot of abusive relationships are like corrupt institutions: They just wait for the attention to go elsewhere, and go back to where they started again.

Lay off Reader7890, they’re a good Grammar Cop! They may not follow the rulebook, but they get results!

Orb Of Creation is an aesthetic triumph and I love how it switches up gameplay every few hours (while also bemoaning that those kinds of constant structural shifts ensure that dev time is taking forever)

Ugh I know this is a bit but, like, it’s not a good bit.

Is there a single documented case of anything worse than pennies or toothbrushes being handed out on Halloween?

Yea, last time I checked ACTUAL history books

If I don’t know who it is, it’s Coolio, you fools. 

Great that there’s an article telling you who it is, then

I don’t see how “The cops responded to an amber alert” is any sort of defense here. Their response ended up with the subject of that alert, the person to be protected and served, dead. I don’t know how a chasee can initiate a chase, whether there is a chase seems entirely up to the chasers. I’m not sure why I’m

But this is a symptom of the problem - Franzese’s complaint is that there are limited leading role opportunities for fat queer actors, so it’s almost impossible for them to achieve the name recognition of someone like Fraser. Imagine being told over and over you’re too fat for a role, and then an actual, great fat

Ooh you did the “but what about the opposite” thing. Very smart and clever.

“Woke” is just “politically correct,” rebranded.

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.


Which is why the charges have to nail them.

I think you mean the US legal system. 

oh no, wouldn’t want the hot 41 year old redhead to be too MILFy

Okay, but the difference is nobody at those stores was expected to be keeping an eye on you and the place your parents actually left you at was an arcade, a place that’s explicitly designed for people to hang out at for more than the duration of a shopping trip.

Problems for non-native speakers, I guess.