Implied Kappa

No hate quite like Christian love.

Because nerds can’t generate their own cultural capital or social worth, they have to buy it, and so if you knock the products they consume to build their identity, you’re knocking them personally.

you don’t get that kind of wealth without stepping on those underneath you.

Is it Better than Ezra?

Stitches in Time? I would watch that.

Having one error in the article is fine. Let's be fair about it. To err is human. To have inconsistent editorial staff is AV Club.

Matt Gaetz: the lovechild between roofies and Axe Body Spray

Which could have resulted in them being charged under state laws and not being able to practice anyway, which impacts an even larger segment of the community that needs them.

You can always dunk on the ruling class.

Okay guys before we shit on sublimedyl here try to remember you were 13 once too

It seems a lot more likely that Billy Mitchell was too much of an insufferable prick for the doctor to want to deal with him any more. But since that possibility is incomprehensible to him, he has to come up with this bizarre persecution story instead.

I disagree strongly with this. You are mostly picking at edge cases or revealing flaws in the model without suggesting a better one. The old saying that “All models are wrong, but some are useful” definitely applies here.

No that sounds amazing! If it’s actually important and they need me to do the work and I don’t have to be in the meeting about it, that’s a win because it probably means, like most meetings, the important stuff can be summed up in a couple sentences.

But, in this case, she was believed. The police let her go. No charge whatsoever. Now, 4 months later, with video of her attacking him and him not responding in kind, the police have finally pressed charges. At what point do we get to stop believing this specific woman? Responding to her specific case by emphasizing

Negative. In the computer technology world, the outer shell of something is not considered Hardware. Hardware is widely accepted as the internals of the device itself. If you release an iPhone 20 in the color black, and then a month later release an iPhone 20, but in white, that’s not new hardware. It’s the same

This is why I still keep coming back to the AV Club: to read brutal, incisive, well written takedowns from people with handles like “Buttsoup Barnes”.

If your religion doesn’t want you to stop AIDS, it’s possible your religion may not be contributing positive moral value to your life.

Glad to hear it, things have cleared up a fair bit for me

LAPD captain Kelly Muniz said in the video released on Thursday that the investigation into the officer-involved shooting was still in its preliminary stage and could take up to a year to complete.”

OH REALLY?! Imagine if literally any other person was on camera shooting someone in the back after saying outloud that

In fairness, so did Oz.