Implied Kappa

The other part of this is his stubborn insistence to continue a career that puts him at great risk of grave injury and/or death. Short-term AND long-term! To ask your spouse to continue to not pursue her career which is FAR safer and predictable so you can go out and risk life and limb is so selfish. Sure, they have

Not that I care all that much because I’m neither a Glee fan nor a Lea fan, but I’ll put forth an alternative explanation from a bit of an acting background.

Improvising is really hard to do well, and most people don’t have the skill to do it at all, let alone well. Improvising can easily throw people off (especially


Put Michael Ironside in a microwave for 20 minutes on high and you're 90% there. 

Hillary lost to Donald Trump. That has to make her, objectively, the worst presidential candidate in American history.

You know things are bad when even college football players are inconvenienced.

Back when AVClub was still as clever as The Onion, they would have put the photo of the Worst Person You Know meme up for this newswire bit rather than Schneider’s putrid mug.

If he’s going to lose, he might as well do it as the shittiest possible version of himself.

As a member of “the media,” I love how we are one organism that is working for the democrats.

I really have no idea what this means.”


Holy hell, this.

Also:Top-secret US Government documents, even if you rip them up first.

“To be clear, I support the left half of the Republican Party and the right half of the Democratic Party!”

“Welcome to the congressional hearing on whether or not Hillary Clinton cut the face off a dead baby and wore it on top of her own face to look younger.” *gavel pounds*

None of us reading this will live that long.

Video games are so weird. Imagine going to the park with a couple of friends to play a pick up game and like 10% of the time an NBA prospect joined in.


Or, he’ll pour all his money into immortality research, find the cure to death and outlive your great grandchildren.

I’m not in her brain, but it seems to me that she was drawing attention to the slap by comparing it to all the superficial Hollywood things that usually happen at things like that.