Implied Kappa

A $250 fine and a reminder that being a shitbag is against the rules? Well I guess we won’t be hearing from this guy again!

I went through the vast majority of the content in Slay the Princess earlier this week. It’s a dark, funny, grotesque, heartfelt, fully voice-acted... I guess it’s a visual novel. I guess it’s clearly a visual novel. It just doesn’t feel like one, because I actually cared what was going on and didn’t have to slog

It’s true. He has some sole searching to do.

Call me cringeworthy, I guess. I’m guilty of taking photos of pretty much everything I eat

Might I suggest Hakeem Jeffries? Anyone? Five anyones?

Monster Hunter actually sounds like a pretty good fit for the genre, as repeatedly fighting the same monsters until you get enough high quality monster tendons for your tendon armor is a pretty solid excuse for doing the same fights over and over, as it was in the original series. Doesn’t sound like they’ve got the

people are starting to think of 15 weeks, that seems to be a number that people are talking about right now”

Seriously, I doubt this moved the needle for anyone who has ever looked at her and thought, “Yes, that’s someone who can accurately represent my interests in government.” If you voted for her the first time, you’re just here for deeply unserious people in positions of power.

Because we were all thinking, “You know, I enjoy the texture of wax, but I just wish it came in more flavors.”

When I was in high school theater, our drama teacher/director was put on administrative leave because she was accused of sexual misconduct. The story among students who couldn’t imagine this actually happening was that someone was mad about not getting the role they wanted and decided to get revenge. Probably one of

All right, I’m gonna be that listicle commenter and ask, “No mention of Daria? Really?”

I just finished Tears of the Kingdom a couple weeks ago. The last week of play, I kept saying, “I could beat it now, but there’s a shiny object at the bottom of this hill, so the world can wait.”

Cultist Simulator’s a trip. It took me so long to crack all the mechanics on preventing early deaths, and then how to actually make progress.

Every Friday, A.V. Club staffers kick off our weekly open thread for the discussion of gaming plans and recent gaming glories, but of course, the real action is down in the comments, where we invite you to answer our eternal question: What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’ve finally started Persona 4 Golden nearly 3 years after buying it. Now that I’ve gotten over the question of whether I really want to start another huge game and actually broken the seal, for as big of a time commitment as this is going to be, it feels really light.

Never forget that the original “gotcha” question was, “Which newspapers do you read?”

“Oh boy, this idea’s got legs!”

I took a week’s break in between big, big games. The plan is to start Persona 4 Golden over the weekend, but in the meantime, I’ve been clearing out some long-term goals in Animal Crossing: New Horizon. Over the past month I’ve finished my deep sea creature, bug, and as of a couple salmon catches this morning, fish

Yep. The legal strategy really seems to be, “Delay in the hopes that he can pardon himself before a judgment is made.”

Ah yes, the two genders: libertarian and adult.