Implied Kappa

Only 3? Even when I was much younger, I’d eat four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large.

I’ve finished Tears of the Kingdom. Hell of a sequence leading up to the ending. Nice to have some numbers in the quest menu now to give me a sense of how much I missed. I’m gonna take some solid time off from the game and settle into something else before coming back to pick away at any remaining quests. I’m

*starts humming “The Loophole” at work*

The anchors are certainly capable of spinning anything into a bad faith controversy. The moment Obama mentioned the price of arugula on the campaign trail in 2007, Fox was all over reporting on what an elitist and out-of-touch candidate he was for eating arugula, and suddenly all the young republicans at my college

“It shouldn’t cost a fortune
To drive to your abortion.”

Roe? The average American is just struggling to pay the bills and the liberals are campaigning on caviar!”

Doing more than my portion
To bring back abortion
Burma Shave

“This rhymes a contortion,
But I’m bringing back abortion.”

We’re seeing this weird fork in what people are referring to when they use the phrase “cancel culture.”

It’s just exhausting. And the more the entire 4-year cycle that gets dominated by constant campaigning, the more liberally the GOP can use the excuse, “We can’t [vote on the opposing party’s supreme court picks/hold our elected officials accountable/effectively govern] right now! It’s an election year!”

Or Antonofferings!

It must be exhausting to be this scared of trans people all the time. Have a Bud Light” is honestly decent ad copy.

From everything I’ve been reading about him over the past few weeks, he’s exactly the sort of candidate that would become a GOP frontrunner if Trump had a heart attack tomorrow. He supports all the dumb culture war and conspiracy theory bullshit, he hasn’t taken potshots at Trump (or at least hasn’t made any headlines

Unsurprisingly, it’s all just been a ton of Tears of the Kingdom for me over the past week.

Middle ground is, what, driving women who need abortions to the border of an abortion-legal state and making them walk the rest of the way? 

I think I remember that scene from The Good, The Dad, and the Ugly.

I still can’t believe they’re using the courts as a weapon against criminals.

“How’d they find out about my horse cum scam!?!”

You ever been so hung up on your ex that you named you renamed your social media site after her?

Continuing to work my way through Tears of the Kingdom, a couple months behind everyone else. I’ve cleared the four temples and gotten to a boss battle at Hyrule Castle, but a. I was out of decent weapons after the battles that led up to that, and b. enemies were continuing to hit harder than it felt like they should