Implied Kappa

It’s more like she took a really focused beam of stupidity and shone it through a prism, and now there are separately observable bands of different colors of stupidity. She’s traded intensity for breadth.

I’m sliding back into Tears of the Kingdom, and at this point have uncovered the entire overworld map, unlocked all the location-based cut scenes about what Zelda’s been up to, and fought two major bosses, with plenty of shrines and korok seeds and one-off side quests mixed in.

And who wins?

I’ve been in the process of moving 280 miles, with all the driving and heavy lifting and organizing and eating shitty fast food on the road that comes with it. My gaming hasn’t exactly been infrequent, but it’s been light. Clickers, Monster Prom, Luck Be a Landlord... I sank my teeth into Tears of the Kingdom for a

Of course not. It’s a calzone.

Absolutely. If my loyalty requires more than keeping a punchcard in my wallet so I can earn my 10th sandwich free, consider me disloyal.

See, I bought Tears of the Kingdom on release day, just like I bought Skyward Sword HD on release day. But when I bought Tears of the Kingdom - 22 months after Skyward Sword - I still hadn’t finished the earlier game.


“They’re on bread. And the bread? It’s toasted.”

Mayor Giuliani’s lifetime of public service speaks for itself”

Vein and all

After finishing up Live-A-Live’s true ending earlier this week, I started into Skyward Sword. The game came out on the Switch just before my birthday weekend two years ago, and the expectation was that I would just burn through it despite all the criticisms I’d heard. That didn’t quite happen. I had my heart set on

I only just became aware last night that this is already out. I’ve been a bit too occupied with nailing the fuck out of a job interview and moving forward with my life, but I should have plenty of time to finish out the end of Live-a-Live and burn through the Golden Idol DLC over the weekend, possibly into early next

“... and the department store was full of soldiers, and tears were coming from their eyes, and they said, ‘Thank you, Mr. Trump...’”

Too much of that stuff causes economic anxiety.


Pediatric emergency room workers? That has to violate some kind of labor law.

During the Steam winter sale, I decided I’d pick up some DLC for games I already owned because they were older games and the DLC for 4 different games I enjoyed were like $2 apiece. But they invariably felt like old friends coming back into my life to “borrow” money and then peace out before things felt even started

Seriously went through the slideshow thinking to myself, “No mention of Beverly Hills Cop yet...” Thanks for filling the glaring hole in the article.

Not specifically, no. I just remember that Bill Maher is generally smug and wrong, and the individual reasons why have just kinda run together over the decades.