Implied Kappa

“What’s the deal with minorities? They don’t deserve basic human rights, am I right?”

You know, if I want to split hairs, I’ll say that acktuwelly their hottest menu items were the ghost pepper grillers from like 2015. BUT. The Volcano menu is awesome and my plans to lose weight just got pushed back. Just wish there was a mention of the Volcano Nachos. I’m sure I can just order the Nachos Bellgrande

Sounds like a game I might give more thought after I’ve tackled Monster Hunter World, which has been sitting in my Steam library collecting dust for a couple years. The series has seemed exciting since I first played the crossover missions in Metal Gear: Peace Walker a decade ago, but I guess games as riveting as

False. My siblings discovered a way to enjoy Peeps when we were kids. They’d see how many Peeps they could stuff inside a plastic egg to hide the fact that they had no interest in eating them. My grandpa and step-grandma had fragile egos and needed to see that their offerings to us were appreciated, but those offerings

I just have Domino’s, and I’m sure it’d be like 7 seconds of work to turn push alerts off, but the fact that it wants to remind me that pizza exists every 3 days, or sometimes twice a day on weekends, has really turned me off of the prospect of having multiple apps facilitating my consumption of ever more salt, sugar,

This product’s name suddenly makes sense to me.

The thing that frustrates me the most is that I do, too.

Meanwhile, UnlimitedSteam is doing a very focused AI reimagining of Steam Hams. It’s very unlike the original Nothing Forever Seinfeld bits because it has like a half dozen anchor points it must hit every time, so it operates more like a Mad Libs than a giant sandbox with a handful of rough skit structures to pull

Oppressor on the streets, reply guy in the sheets.

Inexplicably thought it would be a good idea to reinstall Orb of Creation this week to see if there were any updates, or any corners of the game’s upgrades for upgrades that help your upgrades get powerful enough to upgrade upgrades that I had missed, that were within reach by merely retooling my setup across 7 or 8

“No, I’m quite certain there’s always been a Thursday Addams.”

4 seasons? Amateurs. Police Squad peaked within its first 6 episodes.

My backlog is like 90% huuuuuuuuge game at this point. If I’m picking something up at this point, it’s something bite-sized to break up the RPGs and open world games. If I do play Elden Ring, it’ll be years from now, but watching other people play it has convinced me that I probably would have a ton of fun losing

I was recently in line for breakfast at Wendy’s and had an employee flip the menus from breakfast to lunch after the person on the drive-thru speaker told me she’d get right back to me to take my order. Suddenly, it was no longer breakfast time. In an instant, ham and eggs and croissants and French toast sticks had

Her deep ties to the community? Look, she might have to make some sacrifices, but I have faith that with her drive and with her skills in finding creative solutions to problems she’s created for herself, she can still serve perfectly well as a punchline from prison.

Somehow when I couldn’t decide on a major I went with math, and by the time I started thinking about what I was gonna do after college I already had my degree.

People used to respect others even if they had different views.”

I hope the amazing twist on the game’s mechanics in the witch Halloween episode make up for her bonus episode being the game’s butthole.

This... might actually a good answer to the question of what I’m playing this weekend. I’ve had PowerWash for almost two years and, with the main game completed, I’ve forgotten to look out for the smaller updates they’re doing, which I think so far just consists of Tomb Raider and this? Sounds like a good use of my

The woke liberal mob, presumably.