Implied Kappa

I’ve been continuing to go through Great Ace Attorney and am on the last case of the first game. This game is so transparent about introducing wacky gimmicks during the investigation/prologue that are definitely going to be key elements of the trial. It’s not quite “999 characters making sure you understand digital

As it happens, I’m going through some old handheld games in a Switch remake collection thingy right now: Great Ace Attorney. I’ve previously played the original trilogy (once as separate games, once again when the remake came out), Apollo Justice, and the first Investigations game, with a plenty big gap in between

Where’s 10 Things I Hate About You?
Where’s 10 Things I Hate About You?
Where’s 10 Things I Hate About You?
OK, cool. Excellent list.

Huh. I’ve been using (roughly) this method for years and only just got diagnosed with ADHD a year ago. It’s amazing how many things, both mundane and perspective-shifting, that diagnosis has explained.

I’ll also do this when somebody has their headlights on, but one of them is out. I assume that’s also pretty standard?

She looks like her mom gave her a reward for not making a scene at her pediatrician appointment.

El Yucateco green is also my go-to. I’ll occasionally shop online for packs of hot sauces that aren’t readily available at grocery stores (Yellowbird, Secret Aardvark) for the sake of variety, but it’s not unusual for me to have one open bottle of El Yucateco with two more in reserve.

Jester’s tricky because so many of his cards are low-damage trash, and it benefits you to have duplicates of a card come up next to each other, so there’s a lot of strategy in keeping your deck moderately lean so you can discard duplicates of trash and/or run through your entire deck and activate the finisher when you

I love language puzzles. I was really optimistic for Heaven’s Vault when I started having to conjugate verbs and create compound words, but like 3/4 of the way through the game the challenge of translating just evaporated because I had all the pieces already. I was hoping for some big final exam that introduced a new

Someone reminded my last week that Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 existed, and there was a used copy on Amazon for under $10, so I’ve been playing that since it arrived. The game has a lot of jank, but it’s jank you can learn and use to your advantage, creating a weird logic that only makes sense in the context of the

What makes this even more boneheaded is that he’s all candy, no nose.

Bill Cosby was also “America’s Dad.”

I don’t know how you could name a product “OK Go” without specifically having the band in mind, given how inescapable the band’s popularity was for a small time, and especially given that they’d previously collaborated. As someone completely unfamiliar with US trademark law, this feels like a slam dunk for the band to

Yeah, it’s dishonest in the most benign way possible. Nobody’s buying Fireball because of the fine whiskey notes layered underneath the artificial cinnamon.

I pushed through it, and afterwards I wasn’t sure if I felt more victorious or frustrated. I figure the game would be more fun on a second playthrough after learning all the boss tech and having a better sense of direction so I wouldn’t get murdered by EMMIs while just trying to explore, but it’s been like 10 months

I started a new save of Ring Fit Adventure, which is kicking my ass, demonstrating the need for me to play more Ring Fit Adventure. Cleared the first chapter and stopped for the day. I remember from last time that they add longer/more stages per chapter as you go, so I’m probably not getting through the next chapter

I hope the article he landed on with that search had the sub header “number 6 will shock you.”

It’s been a week of My Time at Sandrock. I thought earlier in the week that I was about done with whatever portion of the main quests they’ve made so far, since the game’s in Early Access and still getting regular updates. There were only a handful of story quest achievements. I figured those roughly represented how

If only I’d known there were openings, I could’ve applied. I would’ve been a shoe-in! I’ve got an MD in politics!

Maybe it’s been a minute since most people have heard from Hempuli, but I’ve been quite entertained by The Plumber Thing, released in October and updated with new content (and a Santa hat!) last month, and I haven’t even touched It’s-a Me, released earlier this year, or the block-pushing game he just released like a