Implied Kappa

Can you imagine how many extra Trump kids there would be running around if abortion hadn’t been legal over the past 50 years? Jesus, the thought makes my skin crawl.

I’ll echo that I also found the puzzle style in Infinifactory to be surprisingly intuitive to me, but I couldn’t even begin to explain why. I hit my limit halfway through TIS-100 and SpaceChem was very slow going for me almost from the start, but it felt like Infinifactory was specifically designed to fit inside the

I definitely don’t understand why people have lain into Hughes. With everything going wrong with this whole network of sites, from bad management, a rapid slide toward clickbait headlines, killing the Deadspin comment section, killing Splinter entirely, and a mass exodus of most of the most recognizable names across

I’ve been peeking in on some Neon White streams here and there. The characters already have me sold, but I don’t know that I’m interested in the main IL speedrun mechanic. Which is weird, because most of the negative reviews I’m seeing are, “TOO MUCH ANIME I JUST WANT 2 GO FAST!” I’m already avoiding playing the game

Someone orders a MANmosa, you gotta give it to them in a glass penis.

I think it was King Missile’s “Detachable Penis” where they went the entire video laughing and couldn’t even form complete sentences, only the occasional, “He said...,” before trailing off and laughing.

Oh dang, I’m only 13 years outside of the “half your age plus seven” rule. I wouldn’t want dating Rupert Murdoch to be creepy.

When I was in high school, occasionally during lunch, someone would shout out “FIGHT!” and this sea of people would rush in that direction while I tried to push against the current to walk in the opposite direction. I didn’t care that it was a public spectacle, I didn’t care that other people cared, I just knew that

Back in my day, we just had Mr. T Ate My Balls, and the endless series of Ate My Balls spinoffs it spawned. We didn’t have a word for it. There weren’t really other jokes that had spread across the Internet ad nauseum with countless people trying to put their own spin on them.

My brother’s ex-wife used to complain about my brother’s time spent gaming with me. Because anytime I was over, she felt like she had to be included in everything we did, and gaming and making in-jokes didn’t make her feel included. During his time hanging out with blood relative. That nobody asked her to be a part of.

I’ve got really warm memories of the original TMNT arcade game - playing it at a pizza parlor arcade, beating whatever level where April kisses one of the turtles at the end, thinking that was the end of the game, abandoning the cabinet, and rushing out of the arcade to brag to anyone who would listen that “April

The phrase “evil chocolate” just makes me want to listen to BABYMETAL.

I gave up on trying to have conversations about my experiences as an atheist with people I knew in high school because the underpinnings of their Christian patriotism was simply, “The founding fathers wanted there to be a state religion in this country, and that’s a good thing, actually.” No nuance, nothing to

For right now, it’s nice to see LGBTQ people being able to tell LGBTQ stories. It adds authenticity, minimizes the opportunity for straight actors to play up stereotypes, means they’re not being excluded from the telling of their own stories, and just generally means they’re being given acting opportunities that might

Geek shit is great. Nobody else really has to understand it or think it’s cool, but you get in a room with 3-8 people who have the same interests and want to geek out and life is good. I’m glad these sort of hobbies have gone from the moral/religious panic over D&D in the 70s to, like, you can get Werewolf or

We all forget which generation came after the Boomers. But Patterson was born in 1947, and my god, the shoe fits.

Hold on, I’ve been preparing this one for a while.

When I see a movie featuring Dogwelder, I will know we’ve truly arrived.

You know you could’ve avoided all of this by being born in 1952 instead of procrastinating on being born like a slacker.

He’s one of many. All of Trump’s 2016 primary opponents found him morally reprehensible until they were out of the race and it became politically expedient to adopt his reprehensible morals.