Implied Kappa

I’d really like some evidence that the justice system can still be effective against a rich buffoon with an entire political party covering for him before nature takes its course, honestly.

Of course not. We have a peaceful tourist visit.

I wrapped up Trials of Mana this week, much faster than expected thanks to the New Game + feature that quadrupled experience earned, allowing me to just burn through the other two story pathways. The remake just improved on everything from the original. It’s everything I would want out of a remake and makes me

Or an episode of Sprockets.

Or even just let the show die entirely. We don’t need to reboot everything, we don’t need to reanimate the corpses of characters we last cared about 20 years ago, and we don’t need to tie ourselves in knots explaining how Jimothy has been lost on the Appalachian Trail for the past 6 months and couldn’t be available

None of what I wrote was meant to sound like, “Maybe Ezra is the good guy here.” My entire familiarity with Miller is based on G/M articles about them flipping the fuck out in Hawaii and getting arrested. I think that’s plenty to conclude that Miller is terrible. I wouldn’t trust them around my 12-year-old kid if I

I mean, exactly. There are two very easy narratives to pigeonhole this into, and Miller exhibiting bizarre and abusive behavior recently makes it easy to immediately lean into that one - especially since they met when Tokata was 12. But based on their statement, I could also easily imagine a scenario where transphobic

Yeah, it’s easy to immediately assume that any accusations levied against Miller are legit in the wake of their recent arrests, but the supposed victim makes it sound like they felt like Miller provided them a kind of safe haven away from abusive parents. I don’t think I’m ready to decide which party to eviscerate on

Speaking as someone in rural California, uh... true.

There are still a few purist turds who insist that decaf% is a better showcase of runners’ skill at throwing themselves into situations where they’re in over their heads and letting the actual world overwhelm them, but I can’t hear them over how fast my heart’s racing!

Maybe if they keep the show on long enough they’ll be able to do a segment on how to get an extra helping of mashed potatoes from the prison cafeteria.

Well, OK, but only if masturbating in front of people who are at such a power disadvantage that saying no is actually less comfortable than being in the room with a masturbating Louis CK is explicitly in their contracts. Wanna make sure we’re on the up-and-up here.

Having gone 10 1/2 months without playing it, I guess I have to agree on the lack of momentum.

Yeah, I really don’t mind knowing that chicken nuggets are made of ground-up scraps including cartilage. Congratulations on not just making the leftover bits palatable, but exciting by shaping them into small, dippable chunks and frying them. I don’t need my meals to contain only the most desired parts of the animal

I love wakame. My “usual” when I go to one of the local sushi places is a spicy tuna butsugiri over wakame... and I’ll order it with a wakame appetizer. Seaweed is great.

We’d all like that.

Navigating gaming culture to find like-minded people with the same interest is such a minefield. Even when you think you’ve found the exceptions and you’re just casually chatting about Pokemon or Katamari or some other game that doesn’t seem like it should appeal to shitty people, someone will suddenly drop, “I

I get ya. I was excited to finally have a chance to play “the worst Zelda” after never owning a Wii or Wii U, bought the game day 1, and my motivation just tanked when I got to the flying tutorial. I was just stuck in the clouds at the bottom of the screen for seriously over 10 minutes, and I wasn’t sure if I’d zoned

I’m not sure how universal this was in the 80s and 90s, but I can relate to that line because my pediatric dentist had cheap toys in a cabinet, and you could pick out one as a prize after your dental visit. Sometimes those would include a tiny little 15-tile 4x4 slide puzzle that just had numbers on them, and I’m sure

Now playing

Last weekend I finished up both I Am Setsuna and all the achievements in the Wingspan European birds expansion. Setsuna wasn’t bad, but it never really got exciting - a thoroughly OK experience from start to finish. If I play it again, it’ll be for the piano score more than anything else. And Wingspan was Wingspan.