Implied Kappa

July 19th? Ayyyy, birthday present! Thanks, Annapurrna!

It was actually really nice to see someone reconsider their initial reaction and agree they should be more empathetic - usually not the payoff I get for reading deeper into the comments.

Like a typical math nerd pencil-pusher, I solved the problem with a spreadsheet. I documented the release date and date of purchase for each I own and haven’t finished and scratched out some basic formulas to track the average release date and average purchase date of each. I added color-coding to each game to

Mark Twain: Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open one’s mouth & remove all doubt.

The first two games were dumb, the next two games were dumber, there was some shit called Twisted Metal Tiny Brawl, and then they had a single brilliant entry on the PS2 called Twisted Metal Black that managed to marry the mindless action and darker (though still not particularly deep) storylines, and I assume that’s

Even if you’re a completionist, as long as you’re willing to be social and trade with people who have the sister version of the game, you should be able to round out your collection. So, really... very little reason to buy both versions as a parent.

I was at a coffee shop several years ago and saw the barista take an order from a dude who started flirting a little too hard with her. He circled back to the front counter once or twice and started complimenting her looks, talking about going on a date, and she was staying professional and polite and continued

Seconding that anybody who got any laughter whatsoever out of the rest of the exchange owes it to themselves to read the apology article.

I’ve had a weekly online game night with a friend since shortly after COVID started, and we’ve been on Escape Simulator for a couple months now. Even after finishing the official content, the user-created rooms have been sustaining us for over a months now. They’re not as consistent as the ones made by the game devs,

All the money in the world couldn’t buy him the self-awareness to say, “Hey, I’m in over my head here. I should probably not double down.”

I’ve found that the biggest problem with playing Eldritch Horror by its default rules is that your success is so heavily dependent on the mythos cards you draw at the beginning. There are easy (light sigil), normal, and hard (tentacle) cards, and if you know that the visual motif indicates how difficult/fair those

I’ll be watching this game to see what other characters get added to create increasingly improbably matchups, though Tom vs Arya is maybe already peak “what the fuck is going on here?” No real interest in playing it myself; I’m just here for the memes.

I grew up with an Apple II RPG called Legacy of the Ancients. Our mom threw away the decoder ring you needed to consult to get out of the starting areas, assuming it was just decorative, so we never got to see the story progress much.

No matter how heartfelt the ads, no matter how closely they work with the community to make sure their marketing campaigns come off as genuine, anyone whose support for LGBTQ+ communities vanishes at midnight on June 30th is not getting it right.

I’m glad to see that he has some humility and a self-deprecating sense of humor about his interest. I guess crypto bros have just softened my opinions about collectors who genuinely have an interest in the things they’re collecting and aren’t exclusively hoping to flip their niche-interest goods for even more obscene

Look, there’s a whole conversation to be had about the subjectivity of fame, and how the perceived magnitude of Seth Green’s fame depends on whether you’re asking someone who was in high school or in diapers when Austin Powers and Idle Hands came out, and how it’s fair to ask whether an actor who was all over MTV 20

It is a bold statement. There’s a decades-long history of arguments in academia over the reflexive property of delicion.

Oh, it’s redistributing wealth, just not in the way the people at the bottom of the pyramid want it to.

I mean, Team Cherry wouldn’t have a big, dedicated presser at E3, but I do this on every article I click on.

Ctrl+F “Team Cherry.”