Implied Kappa

From my limited experience, if you’re a proponent of the show, you look at the other guests expectantly, like, “See? See? Look at how powerful this is! There are boobs and everything!” Or if you’re the unentertained guest, you avert your eyes and finish your drink.

“So are you a pulp, no-pulp, or chunks of granola sort of person?”

You won’t hear a peep.

I respectfully disagree. Exile on the Porcelain Throne is underrated.

Outside of a little dabbling with the new Wingspan DLC and a co-op playthrough of one of the April monthly picks in Escape Simulator, I’ve been all-in on Lightning Returns over the past week. After struggling to break past two of the three major bosses I had left, I managed to take down Snow and then just tear through

A friend had me over for drinks, found out I’d never cared to start Game of Thrones, and fired the series up immediately. The third time a rape scene came up, I was like, “Yeah, I don’t really need to go any further with this show.” It was two episodes in.

Princess Bridesmaids

That keyboard looks like its made out of leftover Conversation Hearts.


That keyboard looks like its made out of leftover Conversation Hearts.


Also also, Volcano Nachos.

Yeah, I backed a board game on Kickstarter, and its production is being done in China, where the factory was shut down for a while due to continued issues with COVID. They’ve been keeping a steady trickle of information and updated release estimates, including pictures of prototypes as they come in.

I remember my first disappointment over changes to a game’s release was when Mother 1 was featured in Nintendo Power with a single screenshot and vague descriptions of its genre and setting. An RPG without the trappings of high fantasy? You’re just a kid in a baseball cap? Whaaaaaaaat?

You wanna do a true Greatest Hits, Taco Bell? Bring back the Ghost Pepper Grillers, you cowards!

She’s Janet!

I’ll join a loyalty program if it involves a punch card where the 10th one’s free. If anyone asks for my phone number and address, get fucked.

Like I said, I read it the same way at first. We’re both dumb. And that’s fine!

I misread the title the same way at first. Best new video game name.

Bored grapes.

I prefer the phrase, “Jessica Biel, future hard Jeopardy! question.”

She was great playing a nightmare version of herself in BoJack.

Yeah, we should be more cautious with permanent bans on social media platforms. Those are reserved only for people who use the platform to spread misinformation, foment anger, incite a riot, and successfully overturn an election and crown themselves emperor for life. Or people Musk deems “pedophile guys.”

30 Helens agree: the original theme song was a banger.