Implied Kappa

The problem with “doing your own research” is that most people’s research stops when they find any source that agrees with what they want to believe, no matter how specious.

At the very least, I’ve noticed that quest rewards show up as ??? on the first playthrough, so I’m certain that the ones I complete on this playthrough are going to be displayed on the mission select/menu screens on future playthroughs, so I can make much more informed choices on which ones are worth the time they

Yeah, I’m aware there’s a NG+, but I’m not sure what carries over - whether it includes costumes, equipment, magic, and/or stats. Carrying over stats would seem to completely break the balance of the game in my favor, so I’ve been operating on the assumption that it’s everything but. If stats carry... wow, I’m just

Nah, I definitely noticed minor enemies scaling over time and assumed there was a good chance the bosses might do the same. Banking on some bosses just having lower base stats than others is about the only thing I can hang my hopes on for this playthrough being completable at this point, since it’s getting to the

Insurance companies are the fucking worst.

And it’s all just transparently anti-consumer. They’ve just gotta add in some vitamin B12 and say, “It’s a new formula! Please extend my patent!”

You’re not obligated to have a new game to talk about every week. God knows the commenting regulars have written about the same games multiple weeks in a row, and with the updates Vampire Survivors continues to get, hell yeah, go back to that well. It’s a well-made game with a lot of replay value. I haven’t picked it

Something is afruit at the Circle K.

And an udder pocket.

Now playing

Yeah, I don’t know anyone who didn’t have that figured out during the 4th case. It makes sense that none of the main characters would be in on the spoiler, but case 5 really feels like it’s written for you to be surprised by the reveal, which is just... laughable.

This is an album a friend gave me when he was unloading all of his physical media back in like 2010. He gave me so much stuff, I never got around to listening to it; I mostly just focused on any live albums or EPs for bands I was otherwise already familiar with. I’m sure Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is in a box in my closet

No, no, and always for me. And none of the three are weird habits, but, yeah, it’s weird that the tone of the article assumes these are all universal.

With as many cards as you’re going to have on your table when you figure out what you’re doing (I’ve had games with almost twice as many as in the screenshot), I can’t imagine having the patience for anything beyond the very early game on a cell phone. If you can play it on a bigger screen, you should.

Cultist Simulator felt like an in-between game. I’d generally play for 5-15 minutes, then die from something I hadn’t noticed, or didn’t realize was going to be fatal. I started to realize that certain playthroughs had you start as someone who crossed paths with your previous character, and you’d inherit some of their

I love how the cases fit together in Trials and Tribulations. The twists and turns of the final case are Ace Attorney at its best.

Well, Andrew Garfield does hate Mondays.

I find it more likely he’d up the cap to 420.

Shit. You just invoked Freaks and Geeks, which means I’m legally obligated to rewatch the ENTIRE SERIES SEASON!

This is the third time I’ve seen/heard/read something about the Stardew Valley board game in the past month. I was aware they were making one and kinda thought it was out already, but it seems like it just got a big burst of interest. I didn’t realize until last week that it was co-op, which I guess makes sense

There are a lot of game series that I just played to death and burned out on for life, but I think I could probably sit down with just about any Lego game, whether it’s one I played a decade ago or a brand new one, and just thoroughly enjoy the simple-to-moderate puzzles and low-stakes combat. It was just good,