Implied Kappa

No surprise. SNK bosses are all assholes.

All those potential choices, and they’d probably pull Woody Allen and Roman Polanski instead.

For anyone willing to dismiss this and any other news reporting instantaneous devaluation of cryptocurrency and NFTs as outliers, and still firmly believes that blockchain, intersection of art and technology, and other buzzword salad ARE THE WAY OF THE FUTURE, I would like you to know that I’m selling an NFT of this

Every few weeks I’ll just remember that the 8-Bit Big Band version of “Lonely Rolling Star” exists, and the only reasonable reaction is to drop everything else I’m doing and listen to it again. Not in the background while I’m doing something else. Full attention.

Yeah. I’d rather see “I’m focusing on getting help” than not, but I’ll believe it when he sticks with treatment.

This was already canon.

references to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and Darth Vader being Luke’s dad, things that were already dated in 2001.

What’s the deal with donkey punches? I’m not a donkey. I’m not punching a donkey. Who came up with this term? 

I think this article was the second time I ran a google search for “Do other people think Heidi Gardner and Kristen Schaal are the same person or is it just me?” Chrome autofilled after “Do other pe”

I will forever associate Peeps with the stale ones my grandpa and his third wife would purchase on heavy discount the week after Easter and present to us at Easter the following year. Even the idea of, “Yeah, but what if these cloyingly sweet sugar-encrusted marshmallows were fresh and soft?” doesn’t sound appealing,

When Stanley came to a store page, he chose “Purchase.”

The last Sony console I owned was a PS2, so I’ve got a couple full generations worth of games I haven’t played. It all sounds very tempting, but I have so many game to go through on PC and Switch as it is, and my god, I just looked at Amazon prices for the PS3 through PS5, and fucking how? Then again, I just looked up

I would put on so much weight if the Angry Whopper was a regular item and not just a once-a-decade thing whenever they reboot The Hulk.

Very few people cite the full text of the 7th commandment: “Thou shalt not steal, unless you’re doing so in preparation to bear false witness against your neighbor, in which case... just fucking go ham, my dude.”

You know, even 25 years out from my murder trial, I probably would’ve stayed quiet about this one.

I think the thing that absolutely sealed it for me was when my mom said she raised me better than to be atheist.

Oh, there are lots of other things that could get rid of religion: giant meteor, sun going supernova, heat death of the universe, COVID-23... 

My god, mubla etihw is Klingon for “Paul is dead.” Sorry to be late to the party, but my god, it was staring us in the face the whole time!

What if moths fly out when I open my wallet?

They’re both just so charismatic.