Implied Kappa

Yeah, it kept prompting me to hit + to give orders to my teammates, and I didn’t bother because they barely did any work under AI control. It makes a lot more sense now that I know I can hop between them.

We call it “dysPepsia”

I’d offer to help, but I’ve been trying to include less garbage in my diet.

I didn’t even know the Kid A Mnesiac Exhibition existed until reading a list of upcoming releases on Kotaku a month ago, thought it was a console-only release, and then tonight I saw it on the Epic store for free. While I’ve been grabbing a lot of the free games off of Epic all year, this was the first one I

I’m imagining it plays a lot like Operation: Tango, where there were two distinct roles and partners needed to be playing with someone in the other role, so each person was playing a separate half of the game that relied on passwords or other contextual information from the other player to solve puzzles. Puzzles could

I’m glad, after so long teasing the idea, they finally committed to this. It’s like Peter Fonda told me on the set of Easy Rider: “You should be committed.”

As someone who has a Halloween tree, spray-painted metallic black and decorated with red-only Christmas lights, I appreciate the concept of a Christmas witch.

Way to start your post with, “Hi, yes, I am looking for attention.”

I respect that you left off Final Fantasy 2. Having watched a couple other people play the pixel remaster, it looks like Square fixed the balance so you can largely just play through the game without going out of your way to engineer stat/skill level gains, but with the way the original game played, I just don’t have

I work for a medical office that has an ugly Christmas sweater contest every December. I’ve gone from not participating the first couple years, to wearing my Pokemon Christmas scarf that I got from the office Secret Santa, to the scarf plus a legitimately adorable Pokemon Christmas sweater, to both of those with a


The last Call of Duty game I played was Modern Warfare 2, and even that was years after release. It would take a lot of work to even get to an average skill level online at this point, and it’s really hard to enjoy a game when you’re that consistently outmatched, with no sense of improving. I was maybe OK at Doom 2 a

My co-worker had to start a new island entirely because her character name was her ex’s nickname for her, and I assume you just flat-out can’t change your name in-game. But helping her put together some seed money for turnips, and hopping back and forth to whoever’s island has the better turnip prices for the week,

Clearly it’s “two for tea.”

I appreciate the for once appropriate use of Comic Sans.

I think this meant one fish, one bug, one painting, one sea creature - one of each category, not one of each individual species/painting.

My co-worker got me back into Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s terrible. I love it. She was starting a new island since her old one was under her ex’s nickname for her, so I gave her half my fortune to boost her through the early goals, then earned back most of it, taught her about Turnip Prophet, and let her sell

Just got back into ACNH when my co-worker started talking about how excited she was about the then-upcoming Nintendo Direct last month. I’d been away for 16 months, and rumors had spread that I died. Or, like, joined a shark-alien circus? I see Beau’s still perpetually high.

I’ve had a couple moments over the last month or so where I’ve thought, “Wasn’t there a Diablo II remake recently? I only ever played the first one, but people really got deep into D2. Maybe I should check it out.”