Implied Kappa

Glad someone else jumped in with this. That lady was such a punchline in the months that followed, even getting mentioned years later in a country song as a symbol for frivolous lawsuits, but Jesus, you look at pictures of the injuries or watch an interview with her, the last thing she deserves is ongoing public

On a related note, I would like to sue the makers of Miss Renfrew’s Ghost Pepper Salsa for not specifying on the jar that it’s not meant for eyes.

I was actually pretty OK with the Mass Effect 1 exploration on the Mako, and when they replaced it with menu-based resource mining in ME2... I mean... sure, you could say the menu controls were tighter than the Mako’s, and any complaints I had about the vehicle-based combat were addressed by taking out vehicle-based

I hope he gets some kind of severance package. I’d hate to think he had to eat into his savings over this.

Lillian: Yes! And it’s the only choice for bologna

Great, now I’m going to have to eat gravel from the ground, like a peasant.

Oddly, this is exactly the image that came to mind when I first heard the phrase “The Internet of Things.

When I worked at a game store, my manager was a salesman first and a gamer fuckin’ never. Game Crazy middle management would tell her what game she was pushing, and she’d learn one or two things about it, repeat them ad nauseum, and make shit up if people asked her questions outside of her extremely narrow expertise.

I like artichoke dip, and it seems appropriate for California, but I don’t really associate it with the Super Bowl. But California’s a big state. Maybe rural CA just missed the artichoke dip/Super Bowl connection.

Ah yes, the “Free country! I can do what I want!” argument. A classic. Let’s see where this takes Rudy.

I feel like Nabisco’s just trying too hard at this point.

Sanders has been “quietly planning” her campaign for the office over the last year,

I think the moment that told me exactly what we were in for was when Trump claimed that his electoral college victory was the biggest since Ronald Reagan, in front of a bunch of journalists. One pointed out that both of Obama’s victories were by a wider margin, and he said that he meant it was the biggest Republican

Yeah, classic id Software games really did rely on constantly being on the move to avoid damage , and with the way the genre has largely shifted to taking cover and getting a natural health recovery with no pickups required, going backwards is probably quite an adjustment.

I think you just answered the question of what was going on with a Twitch stream I popped in on earlier in the night. The streamer was largely silent, commenting on something unseen, and chat was competing to be the first to answer questions I felt like I was missing. I’m re-contextualizing this as everyone watching

Yeah, it doesn’t even feel like armchair quarterbacking to say, “I would’ve handled this differently.” It’s such an extreme reaction to playful criticism.

BLT Prime is my favorite Autobot because he transforms into a cobb salad.

Yeah, that phrasing sounds a lot like they’re discussing hospice care.

Part of the fun of Fists was that you always had the option to box, but a couple of the fights were nearly impossible, so you had to decide if you wanted to figure out the puzzle for bypassing the fight or get insanely good at punching. Or if you wanted that perfect 1000 Indy Quotient, you’d have to do both.

As someone who owned 3 of the 4 Genesis games as a kid, never felt completely satisfied by most of the 3D games, and made an emphatic exception for Generations... I am 100% behind the placement of any games on this list I’ve played. I might actually have to go back and play Sonic Mania, as it looks like I have to