Implied Kappa

I love Tim Minchin’s work and I think I was vaguely aware that he was involved in writing a musical version of Matilda, but seeing that that version is the one they’re working on, starring Emma Thompson... you know, I love to criticize Hollywood for just constantly rehashing the 90s so they can regurgitate it back into

Fate of Atlantis is one of the best games ever made, and my pick for best point-and-click and best Indiana Jones game. It doesn’t seem like we have a clear sense of what kind of gameplay this new Indy game is going to revolve around just yet, but it’s almost certainly too much to hope for to see a successor to the

First thing I think of when I see anything about an Indiana Jones game. If it were point-and-click follow-up to Fate of Atlantis, it would be a day 1 purchase for me.

I deleted my Facebook in January of last year. It gave me a weird 5-6 week probationary period where it wanted to make sure I wanted to break up with it, and my account finally officially disappeared in the first week of March, just before the pandemic first started causing some areas of the US to go on lockdown. I

The last 80% of the book would be a rambling monologue about how she’s not really dead.

I’m conflicted between wanting prison reform and not wanting white supremacist insurrectionists to be on the cutting edge of prison reform.

can·cel /ˈkansəl/ (v.) - force to face the consequences of one’s actions

I mean, I get that, just about any time you organize a protest, there are going to be people who are... “enthusiastically off-message”? Nah, too soft. “Out to wreck some shit”? Yeah, that’s the stuff. And the larger the protest gets, the harder it is to manage the wild cards. That’s a given with any protest.

It continues to amaze me that they’ve reached this stage where they have to insert Antifa into the narrative for every single story to make themselves feel like the good guys.

This is the weirdest Sprite commercial ever.

Still better than my hand. After all these resignations, all I’ve got is an empty house.

This blue-on-blue violence has gotten out of hand.

Liz is a gem, and her contributions to the Awful Block are always a high point.

I regret to inform you that the KomodoHype Komodo dragon has been posting anti-vaxx slogans on Twitter for the past several weeks.

Did console gamers ever had a a true RPG before, of the western kind (as opposed to the japanese sort with pre-defined characters and stories) ?

I feel like Cyperpunk 2077 is maybe a game I’ll play at some point? But I felt that way about Skyrim, too, and it’s been a decade-plus. My nephew had me play the intro on Thanksgiving one year, and I’ve seen 5 minutes of it here and there, but that’s it. It was the biggest game for a hot minute, it was everywhere, it

Where all my patriots I’m on the Trump Train what will you tell your grand kids

Apparently a couple dozen fools in my area decided to stand outside a courthouse holding flags and signs. See if you can make sense of this one for me.

I’ll take my ketchup on cheap burgers, bland French fries or as a base for cocktail sauce. I’ve never had truly fancy catsup before, so I’m open to being swayed by something more muted/complex than Heinz, but the ketchup I’ve had all my life is just so cloyingly sweet, I really only use it in its pure form when I want

There are a lot of games I could ask for, but right now, just after a rather bountiful Christmas, honestly I have so many unplayed games in my backlog that it’s paralyzing deciding what to play next.