Implied Kappa

I mean, they’re all good, but most power shots (John’s included) glance off an opponent and give their team a chance to recover the ball. Sam’s ground shot cuts through everybody and doubles as a pass to your teammate at the back of the court. You probably don’t even have to learn how to catch with Sam. He has no

I appreciate a callback to one of my top 10 NES games, but nobody didn’t main Sam.

I’m just a soul who thinks breath mints are good

Look, the late night political talk shows already did plenty with this material, so there’s nothing new under the sun at this point, but I’m just endlessly fascinated with how “Be Best” just never got corrected into anything meaningful. It’s been 2 1/2 years, the emperor is clearly not wearing any clothes, everyone’s

The 17 states are: sundown state, racist state, the state of racism, we are a racist state, Blacks aren’t welcomed here state, Mississippi, racism state, Alabama, hatred of coloreds state, Florida, the state of not caring for Black people, the police will beat you for no reason state, we love guns state, smuggling

Narcissus? I thought the painting was about me.

I have a hunch this is the educational equivalent of “my hot girlfriend who lives in Canada, and who nobody but me has ever met.”

A void like nobody’s ever seen before. You know, a soldier came up to me the other day - big burly guy, rippling pectoral muscles, you know the type - and he asked me, he asked me, “Mr. President, how did the cupboards get so bare?” They’ve never heard of this before!

I had a ton of fun with the US PS2 version of Taiko Drum Master and could totally see myself getting sucked into this game for two weeks, doing absolutely everything it has to offer, and then forgetting it exists.

In high school I had a favorite jacket that had been worn to the point that the inside breast pocket lining had just disintegrated over the years. At that point, I could just stuff whatever I wanted into the padding. I never brought anything noteworthy with me into the theater, but the sheer volume of cans of Dr.

Ah-ha. Yeah, my love of making tough decisions under time constraints landed me in the medical field, and I still enjoy the same pressure in my time off. Maybe not the best suggestions for people who relax by... relaxing.

Have you played Flash Point? It’s a 2-6 player game where you rescue people (and animals!) from a burning building and have to figure out the right balance of firefighting vs. rescue. It has a set of less complex family rules and several other mechanics introduced in its advanced rules, with a lot of encouragement

I still haven’t played Catan, though I’ve probably played at least a dozen board games inspired by it in some way or another, just based on how many years it dates back and how much more recent most of the games I own are. Over half of my games are co-op, though I’ve had a growing appreciation for euros ever since

According to Carone’s Wednesday night testimony her life has been “destroyed” by speaking out. “My life has been completely destroyed because of this,”

If I’ve got more than 3 tabs open, it’s probably because I neglected to close a tab I have no more use for, though now that I’m working with 3 monitors, I’ll sometimes peel off tabs for a separate window to refer back and forth, then get distracted and wind up with two windows with ~3-4 tabs each.

I just love that this account is catturd2, because catturd was apparently already taken.

It’s been a low-key, socially distanced week of vacation. I’ve played the ever-loving shit out of My Time at Portia and only just last night met the last character at... 68 hours played. There are still at least two sections of the map I haven’t unlocked, so I know there’s plenty more crafting and exploring and

After finishing everything but the grind in One Deck Dungeon last week, I poked around for a while in the King Knight campaign of Shovel Knight, clearing out everything on the first map screen and dipping my toes into the levels on the second screen, but wasn’t feeling the absolute obsession I did for the previous

This may seem strange at first glance, but I’ll have you know that edibles and video games have a long history together.

The last time I told someone I didn’t want kids, she said, “So you’re saying you’re a selfish person.”