Implied Kappa

Yeah, it’s funny watching someone die so much in a game and still being able to say, “Wow, this guy’s good!”

If you want my recommendation, check out NMETV, who ran the game at AGDQ 2019. He tends to keep some pretty entertaining commentary/chat banter up while he runs games, and he’s a buddy of mine.

I hate that these groups have co-opted the flag so much over the past 20 years that, when I see someone with a flag mounted on their pick-up truck, or a flag bumper sticker on their pick-up truck, or a flag window decal on their... um... pick-up truck...

This is the most concisely correct response in the history of this series. It is truly the bright response we needed in these dark times.

Super Ghosts ‘n’ Ghouls is a fascinating game to watch a speed run of, because even the guys who are really good tend to get walled by unfair enemy spawns and patterns that are impossible react to in time, yet even as they die half a dozen times or more on a single checkpoint, having played any of the games in the

I’m seeing all this hype for the new consoles, and part of me wants to be into it, especially since games like Fuser legitimately sound like things I’d like to play around with, but with how little I’ve actually sat down to play my Switch (in spite of having a handful of games I genuinely love that I’ve yet to finish

I’m on for Chicken McNuggets with ETNT and Popeyes buttermilk biscuits with Lovefood. I think I could live happily on nothing but this combo, as long as I got to rotate through dipping sauces and found a hospital with a two-for-one special on triple bypasses.

Good question, I’m starving. The original plan was to wait until dinner, but my motto’s always been, “when it’s right, it’s right.” Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night? I might try nibbling a little afternoon delight.

I think some of the best anxiety management games are ones that, on the surface, look like they should be thoroughly stressful. But when you master a hectic game, you get the sublimely calming experience of being in total control amid utter chaos.

That level freaked me the hell out as a kid. I don’t know if they adjusted the controls, timer, health of the glass bubble, if I was accidentally playing on a lower difficulty level, or if I just got good in the intervening 15-odd years, but when I replayed that level on the XBox360 re-release, the hellish difficulty

I don’t think there’s anything that takes my mind off of everything quite like Viscera Cleanup Detail. It has no right to be as all-consuming as it is, but once I got into the game loop, I just lose all sense of time in the process of wiping down all the blood so you don’t track footprints everywhere, carting all the

Our Thanksgiving stuffing was just seasoned, wet bread for years before my sister and parents started experimenting with recipes more involved than “dump bag of mix in skillet, add salt, cook until mush.” Sausage stuffing was a revelation.

We’d had plain old mashed potatoes for decades, and I enjoyed them for their simplicity as a palate cleanser. Even with just butter, I think they’re great. But a few years ago my mom started polling the rest of the family about what we needed to replace them with since she was getting stuck with buckets of carb mush

I’d sacrifice a thousand caffeine-free sodas for one more day with my beloved Mexican Pizza.

The boring rectangle labeled with “brown gravy” is Wyoming. Colorado is the other boring rectangle just below it, with the far superior answer of “mashed potatoes.”

Christmas music is allowed in November, just not until November 27th, or whenever Black Friday falls if you, dear reader, are reading this after 2020.

Back before Hollywood Video got run out of business, I worked for a Game Crazy. I have no experience working at Gamestop, but I sure hope Game Crazy was worse.

I like a politician who knows when to keep his mouth shut and approaches his work with an appropriate level of rigor.

Dang, I take it easy on Twitch for one week and Peebs goes and gets himself a dang Kotaku article on his project. Dude’s been putting in work, and I hope this gets him enough exposure to rustle up all of his missing manuals.