Implied Kappa

Well, sure. My doctor says I should drink more water.

Yeah, I’d love to be able to regularly go to a store with other geeks to sit down and play tabletop games. Which is why I regularly go to a store with other geeks to sit down and play tabletop games - a store that sells tabletop games, locally owned and operated by a grand total of two people, both of whom are

Please don’t. Two Human Centipede movies was enough.

Oh snap, a Rune Factory game on a console I own. And here I thought February was going to sneak by without making me spend money on video games.

I think this is the summary that’s made me want to load up Stardew Valley the most of everything I’ve read. I recently played through one of the very earliest Harvest Moon black-and-white Game Boy games, and there’s little to do outside of farming, so instead of having the winter off, you put the work into building

These title screens look great, and I grew up on Sierra point-and-clicks, so I am very much the target audience. But I can’t get sound from work, so... guess they’ll have to wait.

As both a part of the Sonic the Hedgehog series and a movie based on a video game, this movie is truly an intersection of two things I have no interest in separately, that I still have no interest in combined. I’d probably have been roped into watching it if it was an utter trainwreck, but there’s nothing exciting

I mean the inevitable endpoint of this conversation is Piero Manzoni, but somewhere on the road from here to there is this:

Eh. It’s not like he got paid a superstar salary, but it just didn’t make sense to keep some clown on the bankroll when his presence wasn’t increasing sales. They were just being penny wise.

Well, it’s an article about canned food, so that excludes hot d...

So you’re saying... no cavities?

OK, I just fell down a really weird GIS rabbit hole looking for wacky Oreo photoshops, because the ones for Pop Tarts are next-level.

I’m glad this was the first and only response to this article when I got here, because it’s the only question worth asking.

I’m torn. On one hand, this flavor’s not for me. On the other hand, if we choke down a few unadventurous, cloyingly sweet novelty Kit-Kat flavors, they might gradually start trusting us to buy any ridiculous shit they put out and give us more access to their gilded vault of crazy Japanese varieties.

I Can’t Believe It Used to Be Human!

I did not notice the boxing gloves or the ring on my ultra-quick skim past the pictures on my first pass through the article, so after reading the phrase in italics, before even finishing the sentence, I scrolled back up to see what you were talking about, expecting to see underwear featuring pictures of zombies -

Heaven’s Vault sounds like the kind of game I would dip my toe into after work on a Friday, and the next thing I’d know my Monday alarm would be going off, none of my laundry would be done, and I’d need 6 cups of coffee to get through the day. Just the idea of archaeology... IN SPAAAAAAAAAACE. Regardless of the

Rational me knows this is a terrible idea that needs to go back to Hell from whence it came. Diet brain me is trying to convince rational me that the grilled veggies I had with lunch were poisoned and the only antidote is fried cheese and beef.