
I liked it. It is worth watching.

My favorite characters are the innocent boy Peggy abandoned at birth and didn't even pay child support to, Gay Sal's innocent wife Kitty who had her prime years stolen by a closeted gay, Joan's son and his loving grandmother who were both lied to about paternity by Joan's conniving ways, the original Don Draper who

Hendricks and Moss peaked with Mad Men, they've seen their career's highest paychecks, nothing of this caliber will ever come their way again.

No because the 5 second fall of a human body from a skyscraper doesn't go past various generic advertisements that each are also the size of half a skyscraper. Why do you focus in on only one aspect of the opening credits and not all of it? Wouldn't a man pictured from behind sitting in a chair with a cigarette in his

Joan already has made a very large amount of money. I am stunned to see how many dummies on this thread think she is "depending" on getting that half a mil. She was a partner she made out very well.

Yes, you're completely right, he divorced her, after she left him. Both characters were bad people in my opinion.

You're not saying he deserved to be lied to about paternity are you? Or that all husbands who sign up for one more year of military deserve to be summarily divorced forthwith are you?

Kitty Romano deserves an apology from Sal

Yes, the guy who raped the woman who prostitutes herself and lies about paternity, yes, that rapist.

" I hope she gets herself a new place with the money, even $250,000 was a lot then right?,"

Joan agreed to be Herb's prostitute nobody put a gun to her head.

Final season of Breaking Bad was awesome. My opinion is more valid and true than yours.

Who doesn't examine the sturdiness of the window construction of their new Manhattan skyscraper office?

I don't mean to laugh at you, but I do.

Anybody who uses the R word is an ableist bigot and as a penalty you shall be subjected to the Social Justice Warrior Purification Rundown. A twitter campaign to coerce your employer to fire you.

The internet 2015, expect SJW horseshit. It's a sad part of life these days. The latest brain cancer.

Kind of like how Peggy took a look at her own child and decided he or his human right to a meaningful relationship with his parents and origin didn't matter when she abandoned him in Season 1.

No it's racist/sexist/phobic/trans/homo/lino/unequal/untriggerwarninged.

I'm one of the many correct-thinking ism police who find your opinion to be of utmost importance. Please tell me if the Orphan Black review "reeked" of any isms. With a lifetime of internet commenting we can engineer a more just society. Show us the way.

"I can't believe that this review didn't touch on the blatantly sexist
way Peggy and Joan were treated. I think I have PTSD after this episode"