I’d upgrade to the new version of iOS but I’m presently running Android version: .Not-a-total-douche-bag-who-doesn’t-need-to-point-out-during-a-casual-conversation-that-I’ve-upgraded-my-operating-system.
I’d upgrade to the new version of iOS but I’m presently running Android version: .Not-a-total-douche-bag-who-doesn’t-need-to-point-out-during-a-casual-conversation-that-I’ve-upgraded-my-operating-system.
So, 2016 will kind of Peter out and never finish?
George RR Martin is writing the script for this year.
Well, the 2016th season of Earth sucks so far. I don’t get why the writers have to kill off so many loveable characters.
It’s a feature!
If I win Powerball on Wednesday I might get an Apple Watch.
I think this has been at least somewhat fixed at this point, but the old iMessage fiasco - being unable to receive texts from iPhone users if you switched phones - was a real doozy.
Moving from iOS to Android leaves you with broken SMS because iMessage intercepts your text messages. Unbreaking it is a hassle. Hopefully this tool will do that for you.
Apple should care because having a very large market share means that anti-competitive measures are judged a lot more harshly in Europe than they would have been for a smaller player (see f.ex. the Windows bundled browser thing).
Oh yes. Hideous. Because that isn’t totally subjective. You guys just recently crawled out of the skeuomorphic nightmare that was iOS.
If income margins decrease significantly, to be more in line with the margins most smartphone makers can demand, then while Apple will still be a profitable company, the long-term outlook for the stock is a bit less than what it is now. Having a huge cash hoard is but of minor relevance.
Battery life.
Looks like the new ways they introduced to sell the iphone didnt work out like they’d hoped. People are starting to get off the constant upgrade treadmill. Just about every smartphone out there has a similar feature set.. Sure you have things like the stylus on the Note but overall a $200 last gen MotoX will work for…
That’s more a case of investment than charity, though. It’s pretty well established that we ultimately make more money off the Royals than we spend on them.
They have a Visio n of the future.
Who’s the genius that said it would give them an Edge?
They excel at doing what may seem weird, so the outlook may be for naught. Word.
How to take a “live Photo”.
My Galaxy S4 has had this as an option in the default camera app since it launched and most Nokia Lumia’s have had it for years. It’s typical Apple marketing to try and pass it off as a new and innovative idea.
just get a blackberry z30 if email and attachments are important and stop playing with inefficient, not for business toys.