Paul Burt

Only Ass I can see is the one I’ve replied to.

That pretty much describes most Mac users I’ve ever come across.

What a Cunt post.

Yes you are done aren't you? Exposed for being the Fucking liar that you always were. Enjoy your pathetic existence Moron.

What a dumb fucking cunt you are. You seem to appear to be incapable of clicking on a link, and then reading that link. Are you really really claiming that I created an account several months ago in order to back up a statement that I made to you yesterday? Do you really really believe that? Coz if you do, you've got

Aww arent' you a cute little cock sucker. Can't take the fact that you've been called out and proved wrong. Difference between you and me is that I back up my statements, you just sprout Bullshit.

Why are we still having to put up with crap like this from Apple? I mean come on now, get it together guys.

They're contractually obliged to mention Apple every so often. That was part of it.

Stuff like this makes me wonder exactly what Apple are doing nowadays. It's getting ridiculous. They throw their weight around constantly assuming that they know better than us and giving us crap like no multiple attachments.

Never, never has such an idiotic comment been written by someone on these forums. Mate, you are a Cretin.

Hell at least she got something more useful than the original contents.