Paul Burt

You're really citing that as an example. You know a lot of people and we're to take you over a blogger who's job it is to use and identify these things. Guess what, I know more people than you with iPhone's that don't work. See how this is panning out, who do we believe, you who doesn't even believe evidence, but

Yes, please, please do remind me. I expect that you're going to trawl out the usual tired collection of tired phones, but not an actual list of the phones that were around. That's how it usually goes. I'll tell you what my two HTC's looked like before the iPhone. Rectangular screens with around three buttons on the

No. You could write anywhere and write full sentences and it was much faster.

Yes, you just started writing on anywhere on the screen. Software's still around actually. I first purchased this from one of the first 'app' stores.

Best implementations were HTC's MDA's with a Stylus that when coupled with the right software meant that you could just write in your own handwriting anywhere on the screen and it would recognise the contents.

See the replies below. They pretty much prove your talking SHIT.

Ah yes. Let's see now, whilst you laboriously tap away at your clunky on-screen keyboard, I, many many years ago, in the age of the styli used to just write anywhere on the screen, in my own hand-writing and the Windows mobile at the time would recognise my handwriting. Necessity, yes, but only because it was beyond

LG Prada, also responsible for the design of the iPhone's interface.

Ironically the first capacitive screen phone was the L.G. Prada, where Apple managed to nick their style from.

Obviously you 'Fucking' care you cunt. The iPhone copied everyone that came before it. Dick wads such as yourself don't appear to be able to cope with that fact, mainly due to the fact that you spend your evenings jerking into your iPhone's box.

And they worked despite this and worked well. When Apple and their fans constantly point out that that others are copying them, then they really ought to be shown exactly whom is copying whom. Touchscreens existed before the iPhone.

Actually the iPhone, which copied the myriad touch devices that were around before it.

'but thanks for proving that you are the one who is a fanboy by claiming'... 'As much as Apple haters' heads would explode to admit this,'

I know exactly the difference. The iPhone wasn't even the first to use capacitive. That technology had already been used.

You obviously haven't. Saying that you have when clearly demonstrating that you haven't doesn't make it true. The fact remains that Apple weren't the first to use touch screens. END OF STORY.

As much as the 'Fanboys' heads would explode to admit this, the fact is that there were loads of good touch screen implementations before the iPhone. The fact that they used styli doesn't take away from the fact that they worked and worked well.

This was an issue for a lot of people when the original iOS 7 update rolled out, but after updating to iOS 7.1 many users are reporting serious battery drain. Updated iPhones and iPads are proving slightly more power hungry than before for most people, but a few owners have encountered unusually rapid drops, with

'How many bugs are there in Windows?'. Irrelevant, as Windows has never claimed to 'Just work', Apple however has.

Does it now? So the horrendous bug that opened up every piece of Apple kit to hacking left right and centre about a month ago. You know the one caused by the dumbest piece of coding ever seen. Is that an example of it 'just working'? How about the recent battery problems on iPhones? Was that 'just working'?